TV-14 | 04 October 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I am Latina, and I have seen better Mexican productions than this one. Rebelde is very poor production, performance is a shame. Actually I was surprised seen one of the best and well known Mexican Actors having a role in this poor production. However, he is an excellent actor and I still admire his work. In summary, this production is a shame. In general Mexican productions are known to be the best in the Hispanic Community, but with this production, they did not do a good job.

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    I love this show, really. I remember I decided to watch the 1st episode just because "Crazones al Limite" ended but after that 1st episode I was hooked. I mean its mainly about 4 people; Diego Bustamante, son of a political leader Leon Bustamante, Roberta Pardo, daughter of Famous Singer Alma Rey, Mia Colucci, daughter of famous fashion designer Franco Colucci and Miguel Arango, his father was killed and he thinks that Franco had something to do with it so he entered the school to get revenge. Little did Miguel know that he was gonna fall in love with, Franco's daughter, Mia, and go through problems dealing with her, meanwhile Roberta and Diego fall in love and have their own problems. 6 kids from the school have a band called RBD (Diego, Mia, Roberta, Miguel, Lupita and Giovanni) who perform in their friend Nico Huber's club. without Mia, Miguel, Roberta, Diego, Vico, Celina, Teo, Nico, Lupita, Lujan, Giovanni, Tomas, Pilar, Raquel, Madariaga, Sol, Santos and whoever else I am missing this show wouldn't be...REBELDE

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    Roni Roni

    Rebelde is a good show. Just because someone decides to post something negative does not mean that it is a bad show. Let me ask you something Shade Priest, if the show sucks so bad why do so many people watch it here in the states and in countries all over the world. How come the band RBD is selling so many albums and the their songs are topping the billboard charts? The show is good it shows teens who make bad decisions and get involved with the wrong people. It entertains people all over the world. I give the show a 15 because it is so funny. If you listen to half the stuff that comes out of Mia's mouth, you think wow am i like that? or is my friend like that? The great thing about it, is that everyone has a friend like Mia, Miguel, Roberta,Lupe and so on. The characters are like real people. They have similar traits to people i know.

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    Sarah (that70sgirl7887)

    So I started watching Rebelde when I was home sick one day and there was nothing else on TV so I decided to check out the Spanish channel even though I don't speak one word of Spanish. It took me a while to get to know who the characters were, but once I started watching it on a more consistent basis not only were the characters interesting but their story lines were easy to follow, even if you don't know the language. And then when I found out that six of the actors from Rebelde were in a Spanish Pop group called RBD, and frequently there music is used on the show, it's adds a bit to it. Overall I think Rebelde can easily be enjoyed by anyone no matter their language just as if they have the patience to get to know who the characters are and even though I know I completely miss things, it is quite fun to try and guess what they are saying. When Rebelde's released on DVD I'll tell ya I'll be right there buying my copy!!

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