TV-14 | 03 March 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    There's something off-putting about this show. It's as though the intent behind the writing was to depict a typical perspective of a pessimistic teenager coming to grips with the sometimes-hypocritical world. This isn't a new concept, as some shows pull this off well. However, this show didn't. It doesn't quite fit in the comedy genre, either. What does this show offer? Not much.Even considering the fact that Daria is in the teen phase of her life, she seems very, very miserable for someone who lives in a first world country with well-off parents. Daria doesn't appreciate all the comforts in her life, is incapable of feeling a normal range of emotions, and thinks she's above everyone else. Is Daria supposed to have a personality disorder?Instead of a glorified brat, it would have been more fitting for someone of a different (hardened?) background to have that dark personality. Lots of inconsistency as well - she's supposed to be unsociable, yet she's able to make a close friend. When you get down to it, Daria's arrogance makes her not that different compared to the popular people. It's annoying how Daria substitutes sarcasm and humor with uppity snark (mixed in with some irony to prove some sort of moral high ground). Maybe this show only appeals to those who share Daria's traits. An unsociable and/or unpopular character doesn't have to be a downer constantly. Key word: constantly. Although some ironic situations were depicted clearly, and the show doesn't have to be happy all the time, the writing could have used some humor - it doesn't have to be either/or when it comes to positivity/negativity.Even when interesting things happened in the show, it was dulled by Daria's monotone voice and overall bitterness. Usually in other shows, the other characters add something to the episodes. With Daria, that doesn't happen. The other characters could be replaced and not missed. They exist to make Daria look good, which should not be considered an option in any show. The flat, uninspired, overly-simplified animation look rips off another show, and seems lazy for a show with "deep" commentary. Would not re-watch.

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    Amelia S.

    The concept for the show Daria had potential, but sadly that potential wasn't put to use IMO. I had high hopes after seeing her in the Beavis & Butthead show, where her character complimented the main characters and made the scenes of that show even more funny. However, Daria's character is just too...meh. Daria's sarcasm comes off as condescending and rude at times where it just makes her unlike-able. Her personality makes the show flat and boring. There isn't much to counter-act her dark persona, except for the over-done popular girls and jock boy stereotypes. At times, Daria's personality is too "edgy" and therefore cringe-worthy, much like the theme song. This show is full of boring clichés. Unfortunately the writers thought that just because the main character is a female, that means the men in the show should be shown as inferior to women, incompetent, etc. Even Quinn's baby didn't like Daria's father (started crying on sight), which was really stretching it. Daria's father is shown as a pathetic wimp, failing even at domestic chores like cooking. Daria's mom is the cliché "busy mom" who is meant to provoke sympathy at times (for her own choices like having a demanding career and kids that she doesn't make much time for), and awe at other times where she is the "fierce woman" stereotype. How vomit- inducing. Also, woman-on-man domestic violence is shown as perfectly fine (when Daria's mom tossed the dinner that Daria's dad made on his own head) -- doubt that would work fine vice-versa. What happened to equality? There's a reason this show is not that well-known, at least compared to the original classic show: Beavis & Butthead. Diarrhea, er, Daria was better in Beavis & Butthead, and should have just stayed there. Hehe.

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    I recall my high school years with plenty of ups and downs and Daria tries to do just that. On the surface the idea of going through high school's many realistic twists and turns and the diversity would make it a fun, interesting, and thought provoking premise. However, one with a genuine common sense would then be disappointed for following the plot is not so much fun, the jokes (if any) are not very funny, I may have chuckled at a few jokes but for the most part I know there were plenty I should not be laughing at. The biggest problem for me is the main character, while she broadcasts individualism and integrity well, this however is a double-edged sword of a message as she believes that this gives her the right to treat almost everyone around her including her own family members like garbage. As if teenagers don't need any more negative influences in this world, it would only seem that Glenn Eischer is a graduate of BABU (Beavis and Butthead University), where they claim they are criticizing society only to give hypocritical messages. While I don't blame her attitude for the society that she faces (if the rest of everyone is portrayed as caricatures of startling stupidity or self-righteousness), that doesn't excuse it. Even worse, Daria acts more like a Greek Chorus type character rather than an actual protagonist, though she does say something good for her scholarship. Contrary to what the fans say, I believe Tom was a good character for a boyfriend as he added something that was lacking in Daria, Humanity.All in all while I am partly grateful that MTV did try to redeem themselves a bit, I am glad that I can live on without this show.

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    Daria" is simply one of the best shows about teens that I've seen in my entire life. More than being just a good spin-off of "Beavis & Butthead", "Daria" was a great series with its own merits. It was funny, clever and ironic, but at the same time managed to have many sincere heartwarming moments. It was even cute occasionally, without being corny.What made "Daria" so good (Besides of the excellent jokes) were the characters, which were much more complex that one could expect: At first sight, each one of them seems like the classic cliques and stereotypes from many other teen stories (The dumb blonde cheerleader, the Gothic girl, the dumb jock and the eccentric teachers) but a closer look showed that each one of them had a much more interesting and well developed personality, being each one of them very funny and likable. I have to admit, that at first, I didn't like Daria (I mean the character, not the show, which I liked from the first episode) but as I saw more episodes, I started to understand why she was sarcastic about almost everything, and the way in which she interacted with her family and the other students.I miss animated shows like this. Now, almost all the recent "adult" animated shows are way too much focused in shock value and mean-spirited jokes, but "Daria" remains to be one of the best series from all the history of television, being a witty and honest portrayal of teen life.10/10

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