Project Mc²
Project Mc²
TV-G | 07 August 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Before I get too ahead of myself, I am somebody very fluent with a lot of the scientific topics they ramble on about. This show has a lot of issues, both at trying to be something that is supposed to present Science and Tech as this super "cool" thing. -I was not once convinced any of the main cast either built, knew, or understood anything they were using. -The universe they live in seems to be full of completely stupid people so that their moderate levels of stupid seem smart. -The "geeky" jokes don't even make sense. For example, toward the end of the very first episode, they make a joke about their initials saying a^2, b^2, and c^2, then referencing the Pythagorean Theorem. The problem is they only care about the letters, not the actual meaning of that theorem that says to add a^2 and b^2 and it satisfies c^2 ONLY in certain circumstances. It only makes sense if you learned that the three number variables are a, b, and c and makes zero use of the actual joke. Once again, illustrating my point that either the writers are scientifically illiterate, or these girls don't know Maths well enough to know that pun didn't even make sense as a joke. -Another example (once again from the first episode), once they get inside one of the girl's secret lab area, one of the girls proceeds in a pretty wacky way to smash a can over one of the girl's (the one owning the lab) walking robot and somehow it works just fine. First, nobody scientific in mind at all would at one moment just take something they have never seen before and just do something that radical without properly analyzing it. -There are at least a few times where the "hacker" girl seems to have the magical ability to "hack" something within less than a few seconds, how is this even possible? Was that computer not even in sleep mode or something? -The characters come off as preppy teens that know nothing about the subjects they rattle off. How can somebody have an "app" that reads fingerprints while simultaneously not understand enough of what she is even explaining about other things. Either way, seems like a deliberate and sloppy mess. I'd think this would be a lot more fun if I could buy their characters, and two, not push such a heavy emphasis on "science and technology" when they just act as an ex machina to do things without any actual understanding of how they work. If the show used it as a vehicle and they were given some kind of super powers or super alien technology (and this was established from day 1), I'd be less skeptical. This show comes off a posers representation of Science and Tech (if its goal is to push that as a girl-positive thing). Not even a prodigy can do half the stuff these girls can do, but they exhibit ZERO personality that give me the hint these girls worked very very hard to understand even half they apparently do. It's kind of like watching monkeys play with toys some scientists gave them, it's really embarrassing as somebody that loves Science to see it presented in such a way.

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    I started watching this shortly after Season 3 was released. I finished it in 2 days! It is so amazing! It proves that girls like science too. I can't wait for future seasons! Mika Abdalla is just fantastic as McKeyla McAllister! It just feels so real! This show definitely gets 10 stars! I highly recommend it! Every actress and actor are so great playing their roles! Now, I really want to learn a lot about science, just like these girls. I can really see why everyone loves this show. Every episode is beyond amazing. Also, their sense of fashion is incredible! They are so fashionable! Plus, McKeyla's lab is amazing!! 10 out of 10 stars.

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    We just got Netflix and discovered this show. Oh - My - Gosh! This show is the perfect blend of quirky science-y teen girls that may not always fit in with the "cool kids" and the unending excitement of "Spy Kids" movies.Being late to the Netflix party we didn't even know this show existed until today. And we binge watched all three episodes! The story follows one trained spy who is placed in a school to perform one mission. She ends up making friends with three other girls in spite of her grating, left-brained and self-reliant attitude. Together they use their individual "nerdy" skills to save the world.If you're a 9-13 year old and you loved "Spy Kids" or "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" you'll love "Project MC2".

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    My 9 year old in in love with science due to this show. She is having a blast with the online clues and experiments. We need more shows like this. Smart, respectful young women who can do anything. Teaching our girls that "Smart is the new cool," is the best message that we can offer.Having each girl specialize in an area and for them to have to work together to be successful is amazing. Also having supportive and smart parents is something that most shows do not have. Please keep the series going. Please let me know what I can do to make sure that my daughter can have more shows to watch.

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