Halo: Nightfall
Halo: Nightfall
TV-PG | 11 November 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Len05 VdP (quapsel)

    This is the syfy special of Halo? There are 3 types of alien in thism ovie.? 2 only in the first episode? and a lot of bad choices. But the threats stay fairly limited and not ramping up.luckily the human characters are 1 dimensional so you don't really care. And almost have 2 actors that do their job. i don't want to blame them. Scenery did a good job.

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    Claudio Carvalho

    In the 28th Century, the prolonged war between humanity and the fanatical alien alliance the Covenant has ended with a tenuous treaty. Despite the ceasefire, Earth's outer colonies remain vulnerable to the Covenant's covert intrusions. The ONI – Office of Naval Intelligence has been tasked with counterintelligence to beat the Covenant. In Planet Sedra, Commander Jameson Locke (Mike Colter) and his team witness a Covenant's spacecraft and a Zealot Elite warrior disembarks with a bomb. They unsuccessfully try to stop the alien that explodes the bomb in a mall. They realize that it is a biological attack with an element fatal to humans. Sedran Commander Aiken (Steven Waddington) captures the middleman Axl (Jonathan Harden) that tells that the element is obtained from Alpha Halo, where the day longs 16 h and the temperature in the sunlight reaches 482o C. Aiken, Locke and his team head to Halo in the spacecraft Condor with pilot Macer (Christina Chong) carrying a Havoc weapon to destroy the place. On the arrival, they find two terrorists but are trapped in Halo by weird worms that are attracted by technology. And in five hours the sun will rise. "Halo: Nightfall" is a good and underrated sci-fi adventure. The story was released edited on a DVD as a feature and it works. I have glanced at the negative reviews and apparently they belong to fans of a video game that are not satisfied with the movie. However, for those like me that do not play the game, this movie is highly entertaining. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Halo: Nightfall"

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    Halo Nightfall is pretty good, I enjoyed watching it and think it's a good background story of agent Locke who we are going to be seeing in the next halo game. Although its storyline is not the most intense I've seen in a sci fi series, it at least has a storyline that one can follow and a storyline of which does not suck at least. I also like the fact that the story explains what happened to the alpha halo from "Halo Combat Evolved" and shows the true powers of the "Lekgolo", which the hunter infantry units of the halo games are made of. When comparing Nightfall to Halo Forward Unto Dawn I think that both are good added story elements to the halo storyline, although I like the the plot of Nightfall more, being that it's one of a team of soldiers carrying out a dangerous mission in a hostile and mysterious environment. Of coarse it does not take long for the situation to become almost hopeless for the characters and some start to turn on one another, although I think this shows what some people might do in certain desperate situations. All and all I think Nightfall is pretty good and I cannot wait to see how or if its story will tie into that of Halo 5 Gaurdians.

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    Nicolas Verhoeven

    I have to say, I have been praying for years to everything I can think of to get a Halo film or Halo series started and now we have one - and it is a massive disappointment with minor bright spots.The Plot - The story to this series is pretty weak. I mean, it isn't terrible, but I find myself yawning and looking for other things to do when watching each episode (I haven't watched the latest one, I just can't be bothered). It is relatively predictable, and that isn't a bad thing necessarily, but here it makes it pretty boring to watch.The Presentation - (Mini-Spoiler) Okay, the show starts off with a bang; immediately throwing you in the midst of elites trying to sabotage a city. Sounds good, no? No. There is no easing into a pretty poor story, there is no character development of any sort, and because of these two points, you just can't seem to give a.. you get the point. The beauty of the Halo world is completely marginalized and presented shallow. Honestly, it is insulting. Acting - LOL. The acting or dialogue or directing given to the actors is on the cusp of bad and mediocre. It isn't engaging, but that could be because there is no background story, no character development, and you barely even feel you are watching Halo. If you tie all those points together, you could have Johnny Depp acting and it wouldn't make a difference. Overall, this series is insulting. Admittedly, they spent a good deal of time and money on the gear and the vehicles and all that jazz, which looks authentic and freakin' awesome, but apart from that bright spot which is always done correctly... this is not Halo. This is not the beauty of the Halo world as described in the books and games. Let me put it this way... if I had a friend who had never heard of Halo, I would steer clear of this series as it simply is not even in the same realm. Supremely disappointed. Whoever is in charge needs to take their time, spend money where money needs to be spent, consult correctly, get better actors (not A+++ actors, just better), and NEEDS to understand the beauty of the Halo world. Stop butchering this; it makes me, as a long time fan, irritated.

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