TV-MA | 11 March 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    It saddens me that this show isn't hailed by critics and viewers alike. Those looking for a knee-slapping comedy will have to look elsewhere. Not to say it isn't funny, because it is - but the humour is usually low-key, often muted by an underlying sadness or ennui. But it's all so beautiful. The setting and ambience give me deep, long nostalgia pangs, even though I've never lived in Venice or anywhere near it. People riding around in shorts, getting by on a shoestring, struggling with honesty and friendships and knowing what to do with their life... well, I loved it. Ignore the critics (and get past the first episode, which isn't the best).

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    Seems like its fashionable in the US to make shows about people who have no direction or purpose in life, no ties or even a proper job and this is supposed to be funny or touching or what? Its about a bunch of flaky guys who float around doing nothing of any meaning. If that does it for you then, by all means, watch this utter nonsense..... Will Arnett is trying desperately hard but this show lacks any substance whatsoever. If there are people in the world (or the US) like this then clearly they are to be avoided. Making a series about such losers is a waste of time and insults the intelligence of people looking for intelligent, proper comedy.

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    This series could have been something or maybe not. So many American series have 'drugs and alcohol' stuck folks trying to not drink or whatever. 'Rescue' seems to have started it all. People making money off of the Alcoholics Anonymous name. I suppose the producers think there are enough drunks and drug users out there that they can make money off of them. However, the goings-on are so trite and the folks aren't familiar with AA. Will gets on his knees 'asking for help with his 'DEFAULTS OF CHARACTER'. Poor writing by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. The slightest familiarity with AA or people in AA know it's 'DEFECTS OF CHARACTER'. 'Defaults' of character is pretty funny though. We are born with 'default' characters like 'original sin', eh' The acting is OK but all is samo samo. Lying, lying and more lying. All the guys do is commit lies of commission and lies of omission (the worst lies of all). They are irresponsible liars wandering around not knowing what they are doing half the time. George Basil as 'Cooler' is a cool , likable character. The women don't seem to have any 'defaults of character', just the guys. I liked the first season but, even, it got old. You could watch 2 episodes and see all the seasons. Flaked got to be offensive in it's ignorance of sobriety, AA and that whole community. I think mediocre producers and writers just wanted to see how much money they can make by jumping on the 'addiction' band wagon where there has been a lot of money to be made but it's getting so old. The show 'drags' samo samo. The reviews seem to be in favor of this. I'm guessing mostly from 'social media' folks. Instead of seeing Chip as any hero or martyr i see him as grossly self centered addicted to lying which most addicts are. Their drug isn't their substance but a side effect they are liars. If ya notice , i think 'Chip' says 'i'm sorry' 100 times during the series. Instead of saying 'i'm sorry' , which is meaningless to those saying it and means the opposite , BE SORRY by actions. Years ago a woman, to my denial, pointed out to me 'take a look at how many times you say 'i'm sorry'. A good indicator of an irresponsible liar is a person who is addicted to saying i'm sorry. Chip isn't, wasn't sorry. He's a cry baby.

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    It has a very relaxed-paced and is character/setting-driven. It is incredibly charming if you give it a chance. I decided I liked it about episode 3, but really fell in love with it by episode 5. I really enjoyed its laid back vibe, quietly angst-ridden characters, and the Venice/southern California setting. Personally, it was refreshing to not be bombarded by slick, wise- cracking main characters or overly insecure nerdy types so popular these days. Thanks for that, writers! The setting is also a big part of the show. I felt like I was there in Venice with the characters. The show does a good job of creating the sense of "being there" which is incredibly enjoyable. The great indie-type music used in the scene transitions is a bonus.

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