Brainiac: History Abuse
Brainiac: History Abuse
| 01 June 2005 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews

    This show is pretty much Brainiac: Science abuse but instead of the odd bit of actual science stuffed in by a forethought, its history instead. However the show is still based round various fun bodily functions, weapons and good old fashioned explosives.Sometimes a lot of the various bangs and boffs seem just for the hell of it, but to be quite fair that just makes the scatter-shot humour hit on target more often than not.Something the show is lacking though is a set and charismatic presenter to spice things up, this alone makes it less good than the Science abuse.Overall though if you can stand the strong British humour and the various gross out jokes that seem to pop up more often than not you'll be in for a real treat. Who says educational programs are boring?

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    WELL.... To start off really i will just say that this show will only be for you if history is a key interest of yours, in the case that it is then congratulations watch the show if not then you will be wanting to throw yourself off a bridge by the end of this show. Although some of the experiments are rather interesting, blowing things up and all that, funny i suppose. BUT the show IS i repeat is educational, so if thats not your thing then this is definitely not for you, basically the show gives you what you want if your an enthusiast of the subject, if not, your going to be VERY bored, so all in all, give it a chance but don't damage yourself by suffering

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