Black Jesus
Black Jesus
| 07 August 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Charles Herold (cherold)

    There's a pretty simple basic joke here, a guy who says he's Jesus whose black and living in a run-down neighborhood. Basically a ghetto Jesus who in the first episode is the driver for a week pickup.I'm not sure what this show is going for. Jesus is a weird mix of a shiftless guy who swears a lot and a supernatural being who expresses love for his fellow man, seemingly knows everyone's secrets, and can perform small miracles like putting a message on an answering machine to help out a friend.Is this a consideration of how the historical/mythological Jesus was a man of the people, speaking to the poor and disdained in their own language? Or is this just, "hey, wouldn't it be funny if Jesus swore a lot?" Is it satire so subtle that I can't tell it's satire? Is it knocking religion or trying to show religion in the context of real life? Is it basically drugs-and-jokes with a goofy twist?Honestly, I don't care much, because I just didn't find it all that funny. It really seems like a one-joke series, and I think that would be fine for a youtube video but isn't really enough for a full series.Anyway, whatever it is, the pilot was enough for me.

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    Janet Laylor

    You don't have to be black and live in Compton to 'get' this show. Jesus's second coming is subtle. He just... suddenly shows up but he's been there all along. Like boondocks, each episode carries a message, but the message is cloaked in gags and misdeeds. All in all, "Black Jesus" gives you enough to have faith, but not enough to prove it - very much like any religion.What I like best about this show is that it grows the characters. They are not just one- dimensional. Each episode brings added attention to one or more of the characters to give them added depth and flesh them out. Only one character so far that is not multi- dimensional is the preacher. And coincidentally, he is the only one who is stereotyped. The entire cast is great, and is given ample opportunity to develop, grow and hold my interest. One of the few shows on the air that I keep on getting surprised by.Perspective: this review only goes to Season 2, episode 7. This show builds on previous shows.

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    No real spoilers, except one case were explained one scene in the series. Nonetheless I marked the spoilers box to avoid being banned.When I first heard about this show I thought it would be an unfunny typical stereotypical show, so I didn't even watch the first episode.I finally decided to give it a chance and I must say it IS quite stereotypical, but somehow at the same time it's pretty well written and funny. Hearing Black Jesus quote Bible versus but laced with profanity is weird but funny. Being raised by a religious mother and grandparents I must say it feels a little awkward laughing at some of this stuff, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions and while I do consider myself a Christian and I believe in a higher power I'm also open minded and not wound up so tight that I can't enjoy some light hearted fun. Though some of the things Black Jesus does go against what we were generally taught Jesus would NOT do. (profanity, drugs, lying, that he does turn to truth by performing a miracle), he does somehow follow the overall message of the bible. He encourages free will, loving everyone, and tries to steer his followers away from sin like vanity. In one episode he injures a gang member by hitting him with a stone from a sling shot, but then turns around and heals him which was absolutely hilarious.This cast is also well done. Charlie Murphy has a major role as the overbearing landlord. I find Charlie to be naturally funny because of his mannerisms and facial expressions so he is perfect for this show. Clarence Witherspoon (bang bang guy), plays a convincing role as a smart mouthed conniving homeless man. There are other familiar faces as well.As expected many Christian groups are offended by this show claiming it attacks Christians, and some are even offended of the idea of Jesus being black. To this point, I pose this question, If you were truly a Christian then what difference does it make what race he was? If you are an uptight bible thumper that has no sense of humor whatsoever, believes that no one should buy alcohol on Sundays, or that anyone who doesn't agree with everything you believe in is going to hell, then don't even bother watching, you will be offended; probably to the point of protesting demanding the show be taken off the air (Oh wait, that has already happened). For all the rest, Atheists, Christians or any other religion, then this show is worth a look. Some episodes are better than others and while it's not the best show on television, i certainly find it entertaining.

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    Clint Bracey

    Black Jesus is nothing to be upset about, and yet Hardcore Religious Freaks will.The show is funny, and I got a good few laughs out of it. It's humor isn't for everyone, but you can tell unlike some Live Action Adult Swim Shows, this one has effort in the writing, the casting, and uses the Location to it's fullest. It was a good Pilot that made me want to see more.It's a good way to show that it's OK to laugh at certain things, especially Religion. Black Jesus is Harmless, and I will continue to watch it. I think if Jesus Christ were here, he'd learn to take a good rib at himself, so other people should too. People will still complain and say negative things, but I will just take it as what it is, something that can be enjoyed, laughed at, and not taken in a harmful way. It's not a show meant to attack religions, it's not a show meant for Children clearly, so in the end, it's just harmless fun to me.Smoke, Drink, Chill, and don't get so worked up over it. Black Jesus is a Comedy I can't wait to see more of.

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