Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series
TV-PG | 05 September 1992 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I have a very cool mom who read me Tolkien as a kid and got me started on my path to the geek-side watching Star Wars and anything sci-fi. This Batman series was on after school and I would jump off the bus and run home to watch this with her. We both liked how it was just a little bit darker and more serious than other Batman versions.

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    Dalbert Pringle

    For the most part - I quite enjoyed this animated, Batman, TV series from 1992. Yep. I really did.The 2-D animation was definitely top-notch and one could tell that there was certainly some real, mature thought put into the show's story-lines.But the thing that puzzled me about the Batman character (whose squared-off jawline was so sharp-edged that it could cut a brick of cheese) was that even though he was just an ordinary man, he was given some truly startling, super-human abilities.Anyway - My biggest beef of all here has to do with the Alfred character (Bruce Wayne's trusted manservant) who I found to be too much of a stuffy, insufferable, British bore (stereotype).(Oh - Well - At least Alfred's presence was so insignificant that it didn't ruin the rest of the show for me)

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    Chris Irving

    This was a show I watched as a kid and I remember the dark beginning intro that used to start and the breathtaking episodes that are action packed and always leaving me wanting more. That is the reason this deserves a 10/10 and is the greatest cartoon series of all time. It's great to have a show that is not just for kids as a lot of adults have grown up watching this and still do now, that is what makes it wonderful as you can enjoy it at any age! With great voices like Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill what is there not to love. If you are wanting to start watching a superhero cartoon show then I must point you towards batman the animated series as it is something you can watch over and over again and never grow tired of it.

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    This show was my childhood, and looking back on it now, it still is fantastic.Highs: For a children's show, you really can't get more complex and sophisticated than Batman: TAS. If you were watching it is a kid, it was entertaining because it's Batman beating up people and escaping from death traps. If you were an adult watching it was entertaining because you can appreciate how deep it actually was. The dialogue is witty, the animation is solid, the voices are fantastic (Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill really shine here) and the stories are very well written, especially ones like "Mad Love".Lows: Not many. Perhaps it's too dark for a kid's show.Verdict: One of the best, if not THE best, animated shows of all time. It's up there with One Punch Man, The Last Airbender, and Fullmetal Alchemist, all of which I have watched and loved.

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