Zombie vs. Ninja
Zombie vs. Ninja
| 01 January 1987 (USA)
Zombie vs. Ninja Trailers

Ethan, a young man, is beaten while his father is killed by a group of thieves. With the help of an undertaker, Ethan trains in kung fu by fighting the dead. Meanwhile, an American Ninja, Dragon, must fend off against the thieves and their ninja henchmen. It is soon that Dragon and Ethan team up to defeat the thieves and the ninjas.


Zombie Vs. Ninja ranks up there with "I Eat your Skin" as far as misleading movie titles are concerned. At no point whatsoever is there any combat between said opponents. As a matter of fact both the Zombies and the Ninjas appear to be in two separate movies pasted together into one Godfrey Ho clusterf......film. The bulk of the movie concerns a man named Ethan who is beaten up during a robbery of family gold which ultimately leads to the death of his father. The thieves work for the typical kung-fu badguy here named Titus. After mistakenly thought for dead an undertaker/kung fu master (I know! Who would of thought!) accepts Ethan as his apprentice. The undertaker, called simply Master T, I think, employs an unusual style of training as he can summon zombies in order to sharpen his kung-fu skills. The story follows the standard kung-fu checklist as eventually Ethan becomes adept enough to fight his father's killers. Where the Ninjas fit in is another story. Ethan's storyline seems to come from the movie called "Gravedigger". The Ninjas are filmed separately from the main movie and come in the form of a bunch of Caucasian men with very Asian sounding names like Duncan, Bob, Ian and Bert. Leading the way is Godfrey Ho weapon of choice Pierre Kirby as the Dragon. It is beyond asinine to watch Kirby pretend to talk to Ethan and Master T when the backgrounds behind him don't even begin to match. The sheer goofiness of the Ninja outfits complete with "NINJA" headbands and gaudy outfits make you feel sorry for these guys rather than be in awe of them. Nothing screams badass ninja like yellow undergarments. Watching all of these white guys prance around a forest preserve role playing ninja vs. ninja made me think I was watching a corporate getaway to promote "team players". It's just beyond bizarre to watch.

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Godfrey Ho clip job film where new footage of white guys wearing head bands that say "ninja" on them are inter-cut with footage from what looks to be a decent kung fu film. The footage never matches and the resulting story makes no sense. Its a shame that Godfrey Ho has had his clip job films become more readily available to film viewers in the West since most of the films that he's cut up and rearranged were actually pretty good films to begin with. Since its hard to track down the full version of the film people are going to think that the stinkers are the way things really are. As for me I just try to avoid anything by Ho since if I see his name in the credits I know its awful.

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Viewers searching for thought provoking and quality entertainment had better look away now, for this is yet another of Godfrey Ho's legendary ninja flicks from the nineteen eighties!Yes, it's another one of those crazy cut and splice outings in which western actors dressed in luminous ninja togs look somewhat baffled to find themselves edited into completely non-ninja related movies whilst their voices are bizarrely over dubbed with unfathomable accents!'Zombie vs Ninja'....hmmmmm.....The title of this movie may evoke exciting visions of brave ninja battling it out with legions of George Romero's walking dead.....but hold on - this is Godfrey Ho at the helm here and so you just know that your expectations are not exactly going to be met!Sure enough and true to usual crap-tacular form, at no point in this movie does our man Ho deliver ninja and zombies actually slugging it out (or even actually meeting for that matter!!!)The zombie segments in this are from a completely separate kung fu movie in which an old necromancer utilises the risen dead as a bizarre but highly efficacious training aid! The story details how Ethan, the necromancers student, learns devastating martial arts in the aforementioned manner in order to exact revenge upon the miscreants who murdered his family. It has to be said that the martial arts choreography on display here in this story is excellent, especially the climatic fight which showcases some old Shaw Brothers style action.The ninja segments also revolve around another tale of revenge and are, as usual in these films, tremendously fun.However the very best bit in the movie is a line of dialogue from the zombie segment in which the zombie master decides to reanimate a corpse to test Ethan's developing combative prowess. The necromancer makes the excuse that he needs to defecate and goes and crouches in a ditch where he begins his magical incantations. However, unbeknown to him, Ethan spies him squatting down making what appear to be exaggerated 'straining' noises and subsequently utters what has to be one of the most hilarious lines in movie history! If you've ever seen this film then I'm sure you'll remember the line as it's not likely that once heard you'll ever forget it!

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I picked up a copy of this movie as I love zombie movies and ninja movies. With a title like Zombie vs Ninja, naturally I expected to see combat between zombies and ninjas. I expected this even more so after reading the description on the box which made a statement about the doors of hell being open unleashing a "zombie horde." Wow!Imagine my horror to discover that this film is actually a composite of 1)a film about an undertaker, who happens to be able to teach his young apprentice kung fu skills, and 2)scenes that appear to have been shot for the only purpose of being inserted into this film to incorporate "ninjas" into the storyline.The actors in the zombie story and the ninja story never appear on screen together. However, an attempt is made to make us believe they are in the same story as closeups of the actors are intercut to make it appear as if they are talking to each other.The "zombie horde" is certainly an overstatement as we never see more than three or four zombies at once. The master keeps calling them up to train the young apprentice in kung fu skills, surely a questionable method of training at best.The "ninjas" are probably the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. They are caucasians who wear shiny, brightly colored ninja outfits, and have names like Bert, Bob, and Ira. Uhhhh.... not exactly what you expect froma ninja movie. Their costumes appear to be made of plastic and are white, yellow, and blue, which really should make them quite visible in the forest. The funniest thing about the ninja characters is that they wear headbands that say "ninja" or "nin ja" with japanese writing in between the two syllables. What sort of ninja - arguably the most deadly invisible assassins - wear headbands that announce who they are?! I believe they were labeled as otherwise no one watching the film would ever know they were supposed to be ninjas as their outfits do not look anything like any other ninja costume I've seen in any movie.Also, there are two ninja forces in the film, but it is not readily apparent. I kept wondering why they were fighting and killing their own friends, until the two ninja leaders fought at which point I realized that up until then I had thought they were the same guy. I believe that the two styles of ninja headbands - "ninja" and "nin ja" were used to differentiate the two bands of ninjas.While this has to be seen to be appreciated, the movie is really bad, but not bad enough to be enjoyable. Watch at your own risk. If you are easily confused, I advise you to stay away.

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