Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead
R | 19 September 2014 (USA)
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead Trailers

Barry is a talented mechanic and family man whose life is torn apart on the eve of a zombie apocalypse. His sister, Brooke, is kidnapped by a sinister team of gas-mask wearing soldiers and experimented on by a psychotic doctor. While Brooke plans her escape Barry goes out on the road to find her and teams up with Benny, a fellow survivor – together they must arm themselves and prepare to battle their way through hordes of flesh-eating monsters in a harsh Australian bushland.


During a massive zombie apocalypse, a man who lost his family joins up with various other locals who've been affected by the ordeal to try to find a way to save his remaining family from the ravenous creatures as they encounter those attempting to study how the zombies function.This here turned out to be quite an impressive effort. One of the few bright spots for this one is the fact that there's a slew of stellar action scenes throughout here that play up the fun zombie encounters. From the beginning, where the opening shots of the crew retrieving the truck from a horde of creatures starts this out on a high note which includes the enjoyable and rather exciting battle in the suburbs where it attacks the friend in the garage during the photoshoot turning them into zombies as well as the family's battle to get out of their infested neighborhood. That offers this one with plenty to like and enjoy about it during the proper time which offers up plenty of great moments about them navigating out of the house battling the creatures and setting up the other fun encounters here. The inclusion of the government conspiracy saddled amongst the early action scenes gives this a solidly chilling air about it as the series of tests committed against the local abducted woman allows this to feature some creepy moments about their experiments. The idea of the van full of infected roaming around the countryside carrying on these experiments is a notably creepy idea to start with, and the various scenes showcased here offer up a great twist which is paid off with the later half involving the woman who's half-human, half-zombie that is given the especially powerful new powers of being able to control the creatures telepathically which has a lot of quality moments to like here. The idea itself is incredibly clever and unique which allows for more fun action to come in the final half as well. Coupled with the stellar make-up and gore effects on the multitude of zombies shown throughout here, this has more than enough to hold out over the few minor flaws featured. Among the few flaws here is the film's rather obvious lack of explaining anything that's going on. The concept of the billowing gas cloud they emit as being as source of ignitable fuel is a clever touch, maintaining the idea that the space virus is affecting people of a specific blood-type is ingenious and the military group experimenting on the zombies makes sense yet none of these elements are ever brought together to make any kind of cohesive storyline. These are all issues which play a big role in how the story plays out which is what makes it important to understand the different ideas at play here and is instead not even touched on at all. There's also the stinging issue of the low-budget being quite apparent and noticeable in here, offering up plenty of issues from the rather irritating CGI bloodsplatter to the silly costumes and the utterly irritating and frustratingly annoying shaking camera featured in the big action scenes that make it hard to realize what's happening. These here are what really hold it down.Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and drug use.

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I tried 3 times to watch this movie and I could never make it through. I'm writing this right after the 3rd attempt. I like the ideas, the humor, the actors... but this movie is just yet another shaky-cam vomit ride.I suppose they are covering up for being unable to frame shots decently... Whole groups of modern directors seem to think that shaking the camera around is somehow a good idea.Sorry - but it's not fast or dynamic. It just induces seasickness and makes it look like you don't know how to use your camera gear.

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What can I say? Possibly the best low budget Zombie movie I have seen since Romero's cult classics and I have seen a lot of Zombie flicks you could say I am obsessed. The point is the genre was beginning to look incredibly generic with so many Zombie films just travelling down the same old worn road but here is a film that offers a few "new" twists that I expect bigger budget films and TV franchises will unashamedly steal in the future. As far as the acting goes I must say it matched the zany and fast paced direction with some excellent comedic performances from Benny in particular. I must also not neglect to mention the mesmerising character, "Brook" played by Bianca Bradley who shines in every scene as the incredibly sexy female lead. You must watch this if you are a Zombie fan. Brilliant.

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This, yet another Apocalyptic Zombie Movie, Adds just Enough to the Genre that it Cannot be Dismissed as just another Zombie Movie, but it is.It is another Zombie Movie Coated with Blood and just for good Measure a Second Coat of Blood is added On Top, and then Another. A Clean Space or Two here and there might have Added some much Needed Contrast. But it's not to be. So We're Stuck in the Muck, let's make the Best of what is Here.Stylish, Humorous, and Ultra-Violent Fun is what's Lurking in this Low-Budget Aussie Movie. Style to Burn. Burning a Newly Discovered Fuel is one of the Film's New Twists, and it's a Hoot. The Look of the Movie is High-Gloss CGI and it makes No Apologies for it. In Fact it Wallows in the Digital from Frame One and Never Stops.The Creators must be Given Credit for Their Artistry in the way They go about this Familiar Madness, Searching for Anything to give it an Edge over the Onslaught of Similar Cinema Offerings. Clever and Cool, Gory and Grotesque, this one more than Delivers what it is offering.These Film Folk have a Love and a Knack for this Type. It's Colorful and has an Appeal when by all Rational Thought the Attraction to this should have Faded Long Ago. It Seems These Filmmakers Present, in No Uncertain or Unrestrained Terms, the Zombie Genre is Not Dead.

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