Wild Country
Wild Country
| 01 April 2006 (USA)
Wild Country Trailers

Kelly and Lee find an abandoned baby in an old castle and have to fight a wolflike beast that has been killing their hiking friends, one by one.


Let me tell you something about this movie right now... it could have been a decent one if it wasn't for the actors. Not to say the acting was bad they were OK but its just the fact that they are all Scotish and when you are watching it the entire time its very hard to understand them with the strange accents. The storyline is kind of typical horror lover story some teenagers go out into the woods camping and find themselves being chased by a monster (im not giving away anything that isn't already on the back of the DVD). If you like these kind of horror movies I suppose you could check it out but im just warning you turn the subtitles on.... because even though they speak English, you could almost say they are speaking a foreign language! It is ridiculous!

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I am slightly biased in non-favor of this movie having actually seen it. Though it shows potential to have something vaguely resembling a plot, in the end, the viewer is left wondering whether or not the movie has actually started. Time was not an issue for lacking plot. Running at only 72 minutes, there was more than enough time to actually explain SOMETHING. Please explain something. That is why you make movies. The main character, Kelly Ann, could have been played by anyone with a Scotish accent and legs capable of running through random fields in Scotland for extended periods of time. Lee could be played by any semi- to moderately-attractive young male with a Scotish accent as well. Only running in his case was not a requirement. Much of this movie took place during the day time, which made the "wolf" one of the greatest comedic characters I have ever witnessed. And when I say "wolf" what I am trying to say is a half-boar, half mad cow fetus half-breed of UK craziness. (See 'Isolation' for reference and if you want to see a decent horror film from the UK.)

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Barrie McIntyre

I went to see wild country just over a week and a half ago and i must say i quite enjoyed it. its understandable that they couldn't do everything they wanted to do with the film considering the small budget of i think it was around about 1 million which is not a lot for a feature film. But apart from the kind of Ropey special effects and the pretty bad ending the movie as a whole was really good, with strong performances from Samantha Shields who was very realistic threw out the film unlike some of the other performances in the movie. Another person who really stood out in the film was the young Jamie Quinn who played the part of Mark, who at the start of the film came out with a few great one liners towards his brother and the two girls and made the part Mark a very believable character and shows that his career will not end with one feature film. Over all Wild Country is a very enjoyable and is a must see for all Scottish cinema lovers.Barrie.

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We hear constantly that the British film industry is in crisis. Directors, producers and screenwriters, we are told, need to fight tooth and nail to get their projects on the big screen. We must, therefore, make every effort to support the domestic industry.Watching Craig Strachan's bog-awful 'Wild Country' isn't just enough to make you lose faith in the judgement of British producers in allowing it to be made, it's likely to sap you of the will to live.It truly is dire. The performances are wooden, the 'scary monsters' (allegedly werewolves, but more akin to giant moles wearing giant plastic Hallowe'en masks) feeble and unfrightening, the script tired, formulaic and hysterical in every way but the right one (it's not even preposterously histrionic enough to amuse, it's just a bad bad movie), the characters (if the term could be applied loosely enough to describe them) bland to the point of indistinguishability. Even the normally watchable Peter Capaldi is fairly awful.I challenge anyone watching this rustic ruminance not to laugh out loud at the supposedly terrifying final 'shock'.Awful. Unremittingly, irredeemably awful.It could, of course, be a sophisticated ploy to encourage the Chav population to venture into the wild woods and be slaughtered, thus reducing the surplus delinquent population. That, I fear, credits those responsible with far too much subtlety.As werewolf movies go, this makes 'Cursed' look like Shakespeare.

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