| 22 March 2005 (USA)
Thralls Trailers

The story focuses on a group of 6 beautiful women called Thralls, referred to as "the white trash of vampires;" effectively a lower species of vampire. They don't kill people, they don't have the ability to turn their victims into vampires and they can't fly. These Thralls are under the control of Mr. Jones, the vampire who sired them, and whom they are trying desperately to escape. To do this they must complete a blood ritual which will turn them into full-blown vampires. Their plans hit a snag when Ashley, the younger sister of one of the Thralls, comes to visit. Ashley has no idea what her sister has been up to since moving to the big city nor what she has become..

Paul Andrews

Thralls starts as five sexy half Vampire ladies manage to escape Mr. Jones (Lorenzo Lamas) their Vampire master, not wanting to be subservient half Vampires the girls also steal an ancient book called the Necronomicon which contains powerful spells including one to turn them into full vampires. One Vampire chick Leslie (Leah Cairns) decides to invite her younger sister Ashley (Siri Baruc) to the main event due to take place during a rave on the solstice but the evil Mr. Jones has no intention of letting them go & manages tot rack them all down to their club where he intends to reclaim them & use the Necronomicon himself to summon a powerful demon that will destroy the world, that is unless he can be stopped...More commonly known under the title Blood Angels this Canadian production was directed by Ron Oliver & isn't too bad a Vampire flick, the Vampire film has been done to death & there's not too many places you can go with the concept but Thralls makes a good fist of things & it passes 90 odd minutes. The majority of the film is set inside a nightclub so in that respect it's not original as Vamp (1986) was also set inside one & the more recent From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) was set in a bar, at night so Thralls is nothing new but it moves along at a decent pace, the lead character's are appealing & thankfully not annoying, the plot is forgettable but there's a reasonable twist & it entertains while it lasts with just about enough incident to keep one amused. I was actually quite surprised at how much I liked this although that's more of a damnation of todays low budget horror than Thralls being particularly good in itself.One thing that Thralls does have going for it is that the leading Vampire chicks are very hot & are certainly easy on the eye, apparently being a Vampire in Thralls also means that you know martial arts & are pretty damned good at it as there are several fight scenes that feel a bit out of place but are welcome none the less. There's not that much gore here, there's a ripped out spine, a ripped-off head (didn't anyone in that que call the police?) & a bit of blood splatter. The CGI computer effects are kept to a minimum with a decent CGI Vampire bat but an equally awful scene where two snake like creatures burst from a girls nipples. There's not much style here but it's well made & the girls do look sexy. Stick around for the end credits as a music video plays which feature two guy's rapping & some more very sexy ladies.Filmed in Vancouver in Canada for a budget of about $1,000,000 this has good production values & looks decent with an attractive cast. The women are all lookers & generally look good throughout but their acting isn't quite as good while Lorenzo Lamas plays the villain.Thralls is a pretty decent Vampire film with lots of sexy chicks, some fights & a bit of gore, you could do better for sure but you could also do a hell of a lot worse too. Worth a watch if your bored.

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The story focuses on a group of six beautiful women called Thralls, referred to as "the white trash of vampires;" effectively a lower species of vampire. They don't kill people, they don't have the ability to turn their victims into vampires and they can't fly. These Thralls are under the control of Mr. Jones, the vampire who sired them, and whom they are trying desperately to escape. To do this they must complete a blood ritual which will turn them into full-blown vampires. Their plans hit a snag when Ashley, the younger sister of one of the Thralls, comes to visit. Ashley has no idea what her sister has been up to since moving to the big city nor what she has become...It's a vampire movie, it's got a bunch of hot babes, running around like vampires normally do. That's pretty much it. The story is stupid and really starts to annoy me as every vampire movie I see, gets more and more similar to that of the last viewed that I just feel like I've watched the movie already.The acting is decent, it's not good but its usually bearable. There's quite a bit of blood (well, it is a vampire movie) but nothing overly disgusting. There are some small additions of CGI into certain scenes and is executed poorly. There can be so many movies that have had a great idea, but the scenes don't have the proper effect on you because the image is too fake. You've got to go for prosthetics over CGI for the effect.I'll keep it short and sweet. The main reason why most guys will watch this is because of the women and that really is the only part worth looking at in the movie. If you watched this for any other reason, you're either female or most likely a homo.Yet another modern vampire romp. If you enjoyed "Dracula 2000", this may hold your interest.

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Looking at the cover I completely expected to see Julie Strain in the credits. I expected this to be another low-budget, sexploitation film casted by some guy asking a couple strippers if they wanted to be in a movie... I couldn't have been more wrong.The movie opens as I would have expected: a half dozen very attractive women in lingerie chained by the ankle. As soon as Lorenzo (Renegade) Lamas enters the movie, everything changes.The majority of the movie takes place in a nightclub holding a Halloween rave. It made me think more of the club in Hellraiser III as opposed to the Blood Raves in Blade.The special effects were rather weak but the plot was actually well developed and creative with a new addition to the world of vampires in film, "Thralls".Several of the beautiful women in the film (and Lamas) have some respectable acting credits to their names and it shows. While this will certainly not get a nod from AMPAS, for the genre the acting was really good.Fans of vampire movies (especially ones who enjoy the beautiful, female vampire twist but are tired of really bad movies) will certainly enjoy this movie. If that sounds like you it's definitely worth a rental.Note: there is only one scene in the movie with frontal female nudity, it's very brief and does not end in a good way (no spoilers here).

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If you really like the dark side to real young chicks, who have very strange spiritual abilities to suck blood from all different parts of the body, this is the film to watch and enjoy. Lorenzo Lamas,(Mr. Jones),"The Nowhere Man",'05, is a sort of pimp of a Vampire and has strange powers over some very hot hot females. Siri Baruc,(Ashley),"Glass Trap",'05, tries to locate her sister in the big city and gets deeply involved with this wild and exciting night spot where her sister works and is controlled by a Cult. Leah Cairns,(Leslie) gives a great supporting role through out the picture. This is certainly a different type of vampire film and the sexy gals make it a lot more interesting than the Classic Bela Lugosi film !

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