Dracula 2000
Dracula 2000
R | 22 December 2000 (USA)
Dracula 2000 Trailers

When a team of techno-savvy thieves break into a high-security vault, they don't discover priceless works of art... they find a crypt unopened for 100 years.

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Being a writer myself I am very fond of Dracula Movies since from child hood I have seen many sleepy ,old ,slow moving Dracula who even couldn't seduce a pet But still after 15 years when I watched this movie ..It looks awesome ..This was the first time it redefined the term "Dracula" how he should look ..how he should walk & most brilliantly how he should seduce a women enhancing the lust in her .The outlook was amazing Both writers have summarized the every myth written about Dracula in just 90 minutes was wonderful .I know most people were disappointed because of the absence of extra nudity ..but who else needed that if you have good plot beautiful caste ..splendid special effects you don't need the crutches of nudity whether some one would like or not but this Trilogy closed the chapters of Dracula movies for good

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Wow where to start with this one. I can say that it made me watch it because of the cast. This is 2000, before Butler was King Leonidas in 300, before Nate Fillion was doing Serenity, before Christopher Plummer was...wait a second, what the hell is Chris Plummer doing in this film? What the heck? It's something to behold, this one. It inspired me to write this review for golly sake. Gerard butler spends most of the movie casting his dreamy eyes despairingly over the unfortunate people who find themselves in his lustful way. His hair blows and frills in the breeze and I swear I can see the product glistening throughout his beautiful locks. Oh yeah, he's Judas in this one. Dracula is Judas.t This is just a terrible movie. But I watched it in its entirety so what does that say? It's actually amazing to know that they somehow made this film. It's so 2000. In every hilarious, campy, cliché ridden way. It's fun to watch, I have to say....some of the stuff you will see will have your jaw agape in amazement...utter amazement for the fact this movie exists. And these actors were in it. Johnny Lee Miller what the hell are you doing in this? Working on your bag of terrible accents? I guess when Dracula is being hung he suddenly can't fly anymore? Huh? He loses his powers or something? And then the sun comes out and burns him alive. Really though, these ideas in this are actually pretty cool. It's a neat idea to have a twist like having Draco be Judas Iscariot. Then the credits rolled and Linkin Park came on and then Disturbed and I was like, man, music really sucked that year. But this movie is that crappy music, it's a horrible movie. It's everything I hate about that music. Come to think of it, it's really the visual equivalent of that total pile of dog poo music genre. But because it's this bad it has a place in my heart. Put this in the 2000 time capsule. FILE UNDER : 2000 Dracula MOVIE/UTTER SHIIITE

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Dalbert Pringle

Yeah. OK. I guess Vampirism had to originate from somewhere - But Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus Christ!!?? Duh. Like - WTF!? Am I really supposed to accept this bull? C'mon! Give me a frickin' break, already!! I mean, how thick-headed can people get? London Antique Dealer, Mathew Van Helsing, and his young sidekick, Simon, head to New Orleans to rescue Virgin Megastore clerk, Lucy Westerman (who has transfused blood of the 'Goth' neck-nibbler flowing through her veins), from falling under the hypnotic charms of Cinema's Most Famous Bloodsucker.This modern-day take on the Vampire Classic clearly shows us why some legendary characters are best left to their own era.Dracula 2000 has a few good moments and better performances than one might expect, but basically it's a really-really dumb movie. This film was followed by 2 utterly terrible direct-to-video sequels.

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Rainey Dawn

This is not my favorite vampire/Dracula film but I didn't hate it either. The movie had it's moments of excitement and action but it did not thrill me as I had expected.I felt something was missing from the film yet I could not place my finger on it. I'm not sure if it was the cast itself or the acting... maybe it was the set or costuming? The story wasn't too bad but it was lacking a bit for me.I will say it's not a horrible film - just not the A+ I was hoping for. It's a pretty good watch for a rainy or otherwise boring day - it will provide some entertainment.5/10

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