PG-13 | 06 May 2011 (USA)

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Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.


Thor was a decent movie. I liked the CGI used to portray Asgard and the other places. It was quite good. Hemsworth and Huddleston play excellently in their individual roles. Thor gets thrown to Earth after being rash and kind of stupid. This is where he meets Jane. They start to fall in love, I really didn't care much more the falling in love thing but is wasn't bad the movie just got kind of boring in the beginning and then Odin decided to fall asleep until they needed him most, which I thought was annoying. Anyway it turns out that it was Loki all along and then the brothers fight it out in a beautifully cinematic way. Odin wakes up and saves Thor right before Loki dies and, but Thor can never get to Earth again. So he starts to search... Overall not bad but not fantastic either, I liked it, still.

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Omer Levent

It was the worst film in the film series. Thor character is a character with a cliche designed lousy. In the same way, all the characters in the film sucked with cliché. Everything is over in a few days. Apart from that, I liked the cool comedy part. The players are not bad either.

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Upon re-watching Thor tonight for the first time in nearly seven years, I was thoroughly entertained. Thor is a well made film and a worthy entry of the God of Thunder into the MCU. Tom Hiddleston does a great job as Loki and Chris Hemsworth is awesome as Thor. This film does have cliche, especially with the love story between Thor and Jane (Natalie Portman). It's sometimes silly but doesn't detract too much. This film does a good job at introducing information to us about the outer realms that will be important in the MCU for years to come. The special effects lack at times and there are some lazy edit jobs during some major action sequences. The charm of Thor and his discovery of what has happened to him after he is sent to earth is really a fun part of this film and it is rather enjoyable to watch. In the end I was quite entertained and I did enjoy Thor. It's a good film and a solid entry into the early days of the MCU.

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manus byrne

I am not a fan of Marvel Films, I believe that they are overrated and fail to tell the story of very interesting charities. But I believe that Thor is a great film and the best that Marvel has produced. In a story about god and other world never has a Marvel film felt so human. One of my biggest criticisms with Marvel films is the characters. Marvel has a wide range of brilliant characters but yet they ruin them all by give them very little character development. And that's the key word character development one of the most important parts of any story is something that is almost non-existent. But Thor has the best example of character development. At the beginning Thor is an egotistical flow and is unfit to rule a kingdom. But in his time in Earth he becomes wise and stops being egotistical. Thor brother (Loki) is the main villain of the film and is the best villain of all the Marvel films. He tries to take over and kills the Frost Giant's king. The reason why this is such good character development is that Thor would have done the exact same thing. And you can't argue with that, Thor goes to the Frost Giants world and tries to kill them. This shows the character development that Thor just went throw. When Thor fights Loki at the end of the film it feels like Thor is fighting himself. The reason why Loki is the best Marvel villain is because of his motivation. One of the most important if not the most important things about a villain is his or hers motivation. The motivation of most Marvel villains is they want to take over the world or destroy the world or have more power and that is why Marvel villains are so bad. But Loki's motivation is not to take over the world nor is it to have power, all Loki whats is the love and appreciation of his family. In one scene Loki lies to Thor saying that his father is dead. But you can easily see from Loki's face that he is disgusted for lying to his brother. And in the every end of the film Loki is hanging from a brig and he sees his father and sees that he is disappointed and ashamed of Loki. And Loki commit suicide by letting go of the bridge. This is why Thor is the best examples of character development and is made better by the brilliant acting. That is why I give Thor a 8 at of 10.

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