The Prince of Egypt
The Prince of Egypt
PG | 18 December 1998 (USA)
The Prince of Egypt Trailers

This is the extraordinary tale of two brothers named Moses and Rameses, one born of royal blood, and one an orphan with a secret past. Growing up the best of friends, they share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. But the truth will ultimately set them at odds, as one becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, and the other the chosen leader of his people! Their final confrontation will forever change their lives and the world.

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The Prince of Egypt was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and my opinion, one of the top three Dreamworks movies. It tells the story of Moses in it's own beautiful artstyle and storyline depicted of his time before he was called to deliver the Hebrew People from the Egyptians. The music and songs were always intense and I still enjoyed it even when I grew up. The beauty and intense emotion delivered by these 2-D characters brings about a magic that any and all ages can enjoy. As said in the description above, you don't have to be a Christian or religious at all to enjoy this movie. The Prince of Egypt has some of the most powerful artwork and depictions of family and friends including what it means to be an ordinary man who with the help of God can do extraordinary things. The Prince of Egypt is not a perfect film and like any film telling a biblical story or anything religious at all, it never will be. But it is still an enjoyable experience that I plan to share with my children for years to come and show them just what Dreamworks was capable of back then.

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mounir maged

The 90s were a very interesting and great time for animated films. With hit after hit, becoming classics, even the ones that didn't do well gained more appreciation over time. After all, it was the same year in which the highest 2D animated grossing movie came out, the lion king, and also the birth of CGI animated film with toy story. And, in my opinion, the best American animated film of the era (I say American, because the best was easily princess Mononoke) was the prince of Egypt. This film truly is one of the most beautifully animated movies of all time, combining classical hand drawn art with 3D computer graphics, giving a new life and style to the story. The architectural design and scope is absolutely breathtaking. Speaking of the story, its about, who else? Moses himself. Its a different re-imagining than the epic one by acclaimed director Cecil B Demile, as this film is more family friendly and more Disney-esque. And, believe it or not, this actually is the better movie. It never dumbs down itself to kids, or is too childish to adults, it just has the perfect balance. There is the typical humor that is funny, but there is also an underlying tragedy between all of this, and its done wonderfully and maturely. The best thing about this film is that there is no real villain. Its just a tragic misunderstanding of the characters lost in their paths. Ramses wants to honor his father by being the best pharaoh he can be, while Moses wants to do his job as the prophet of God and save his people. Its a great battle of epic proportions. The characters are done superb in the film. Moses is very much relatable, kind and empathetic. You really feel the weight and responsibility given to him. Ramses is also given good amount of depth. They are both brothers who love each other, but their path lead to a tragic rivalry that neither want to partake in it, adding even more drama that truly gets you invested in it. And its all supported by great voice acting who are all pitch perfect for the role. The side characters are done pretty good as well. And the songs, by god are they amazing. The singing in this film gives me goosebumps every time I hear one of them. Deliver us, when you believe, through the eyes of heaven and of course, the plague. They are all used to further the story, sometimes even visually. I dare to say they are much better than vast majority of the Disney songs. Prince of Egypt truly helped transcending the animation with its story, its artistic style, its writing etc. I adore this movie and can't get enough of it. Truly a work of art

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This is quite a good telling of the Moses myth from the Bible. Moses is a multidimensional character who is given a task so incredibly great that he can't help but stumble a few times along the way. The first part is interesting in that it sets up a battle of two strong men. When Moses comes to realize his responsibility to the Hebrew people, he is saddled with complaining, misbehaving, and all the things that take place where humans are involved. There are several striking scenes here which the animators have done fabulously. At times the dialogue is a bit stilted due to attempts to create a kind of biblical English.

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Apparently the Netflix version of this is based off of scans of the 35mm film rather than an actual digital master. Despite that, this movie still holds up visually. I think it looks spectacular and you can appreciate how much effort was put into making it.The voice cast is fine, although I somewhat question the decision to have Val Kilmer as Moses. There's something a little goofy about his brother being voiced by Ralph Fiennes that I couldn't get behind. I think him being British and much more noble sounding and then Val Kilmer just sounding like himself. I will say this movie is guilty of not really getting performances out of excellent actors. The majority of them just sound like themselves and aren't really doing much beyond saying their lines. And the songs need to be mentioned as well. Most of them are fun and have a very Disney-vibe. I believe Ralph Fiennes sings his parts but for some reason Val Kilmer is dubbed by someone with a bland but I guess more traditional singing voice. Because obviously he can sing as he has shown in previous movies such as 'Top Secret' and 'The Doors'.As far as the story goes, I guess it mostly follows the biblical one. I haven't read the bible and I'm not familiar with much of this besides the burning bush and parting the sea. It plays out okay but doesn't really surprise or lean into the brother rivalry in a sophisticated way.This movie is completely worth seeing just for the visuals alone. An absolute shame that it has not been given a proper Blu-ray release. But the Netflix version is decent and doesn't rob you of too much of what it probably looked like in the theatre.

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