The Nail Gun Massacre
The Nail Gun Massacre
NR | 04 January 1987 (USA)
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Following the brutal rape of a young woman by a gang of construction workers, a mysterious figure wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a gold hearse begins hunting the perpetrators down. The masked avenger's weapon of choice, obviously, is a nail gun, with which he (or could it be she?) takes out the rapists one by one. Just who is this murderous vigilante?


"The Nail Gun Massacre" is everything it sounds like—a psychopath is roaming the backwoods of Texas with a souped-up nail gun, turning men and women into human pincushions. Could it be related to a brutal rape that occurred some six months prior? An obvious riff in title on "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and boasting an opening rape scene unabashedly culled from "I Spit on Your Grave," "The Nail Gun Massacre" is an unabashedly derivative mid-80s riff on slasher conventions, pulled together on a shoestring budget. As bad as it sounds, I feel that this film has gotten a lot of heat from web critics who aren't really taking it on its own terms—this is not Bergman, Tarkovsky, or Kubrick—it isn't high art. It's a film whose singular distinguishing element is that its killer's weapon of choice is a nail gun. My point being, "The Nail Gun Massacre" doesn't claim to be anything other than what it is, and most horror audiences (especially those who have a taste for these older exploitation films) should know this.That aside, the film is not a technical masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. The murder scenes are surprisingly better than one would expect given the shoestring budget, and never cease to be elaborate or grotesque. A pulsing synth score accompanies most of the scenes, and is admittedly a bit overbearing, while the killer hurls goofy one-liners at the victims in an inexplicable robot voice. The acting overall is bad, but passable by eighties slasher standards. Most of the men are buffoons, and the women prancing around naked. In spite of those caveats though, the film does capture the quiet backwoods of Texas rather effectively, and it is an extremely atmospheric film given all of its shortcomings. The photography of the woods captures a strange foreboding that, whether intentional or just a happy accident, is far more nuanced than anything else about the film.All in all, "The Nail Gun Massacre" is, at least as far as eighties slashers go, not nearly as bad of a film as some may lead you to believe. It's schlocky, gratuitous, and at times badly acted, but isn't that what we love these films for? It at least has the distinguishing feature of a nail gun- obsessed killer, and it also excels at capturing the dreariness of sleepy backwoods Texas, which is more than one would necessarily expect. 5/10.

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Following the brutal rape of a young woman by a gang of construction workers, a mysterious figure wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a gold hearse begins hunting the perpetrators down. The masked avenger's weapon of choice, a nail gun, with which they take out the rapists one by one. Just who is this murderous vigilante.....,,,and why doesn't the gun shoot out a single nail during the film?..From the opening credits, its clear that it's not aiming for a classical status, but my gosh,there are some bad films, and then there are Massacres on the senses, and this is one of those movies you wished you'd never bothered with.A girl gets assaulted, and so the killer goes around with a crazy Darth Vader voice getting revenge, pretending to fire nails out of a gun and then the camera going back to the victims and then having rubber nails sticking out of their hands or mouth.The film feels like its on forever, but it's only ninety minutes long. The acting is as terrible as expected, but the makers could have at least made some effort into making it as Grindhouse as they could, rather than getting their friends to fill in as victims, and put gratuitous nudity in it for no good reason at all.Terrible in every sense of the word, but my favourite part was the old woman at the grocery store literally reading her lines from a piece of paper next to her.Please avoid this.

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From the title and tagline (which, by the way, is one of the main reasons I got myself a copy of this film), it's clear that Nail Gun Massacre takes influence from a certain other power tool lead massacre. The film also kicks off with a rape, which is clearly the reason for all the nail gun killings; but anyone going into Nail Gun Massacre expecting something along the lines of a crossover between The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I Spit on Your Grave is likely to be sorely disappointed as not only is this film the cheap mess it's reputed to be; it also doesn't feature many good killings either, which kind of cancels out any reason for seeing it. Still, it's actually not as bad as it could have been. As mentioned, the film kicks off with a scene that sees a young girl raped by a load of construction workers. Some time passes and suddenly there's a combats wearing motorcyclist with a voice obscurer and an awful looking old-fashioned nail gun. He/she has a grudge too, and soon he gets to work on picking off all the construction workers (and some other people) that committed the crime.My all time favourite melee horror film weapon is definitely the chainsaw, and while this film couldn't afford to have the murderer using one; the nail gun could have been a decent replacement if used well. Unfortunately, most of the kill scenes consist of showing us the nail gun, a sound that sounds a bit like a nail gun, and then the unlucky victim flailing around with nails stuck in them. The plotting not much better either, as the entire film mainly consists of scenes like this loosely strung together. Despite this disappointment, I'd still hesitate to call this a truly bad film. Nail Gun Massacre does have a certain charm to it that keeps it from becoming completely boring and while it gets repetitive, it is amusing for most of the duration. The killer is a pretty stupid creation and fails miserably to generate any kind of dread. The nail gun he uses fits the character...but that isn't a good thing! Overall, I cant really recommend this film as there's a great deal of similar ones out there that are a lot better, but if you're a cult film fan you'll probably want to see this for it's reputation...and you could do worse.

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Man, what would we do without ultra low budget Slasher flicks? "The Nail Gun Massacre" sounds as an obvious spoof to the great legendary "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" but no, Nail Gun tries too hard to be taken seriously. Sadly, with a budget of about $100, AWFUL acting, and poor direction you can't take it seriously. I watched this long time ago on USA NETWORK and I think I was lucky because many people say that it's pretty hard to find it nowadays.Watch it for what it is, and you will at least watch it's complete running time.. If you're fan of cheap gore f/x and poor killing scenes you might enjoy it. But beware, the movie is very boring and there are no highlights except the opening scene.

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