The Horde
The Horde
R | 26 October 2010 (USA)
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A bunch of crooked cops raid a ruined building located in an impoverished suburb of Paris, determined to furiously avenge the death of one of them, murdered by the ruthless criminal gang hidden on top of the dark labyrinth that will become a deathly trap when the living, unexpectedly turned into the undead by a mysterious plague, begin to devour the world.


An above average zombie film with a decent plot. If one enjoys zombie films, give this one a try. "The Horde" contains all the elements of George Romero's best zombie films (and if you're a fan of zombie films, there's no point in listing Romero's classics). On the other hand, this is why I didn't give the film a higher score, because Romero's done it all before. Oh, well, Let the heads roll, and the blood flow!!

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Mon dieu! For some reason the Metro newspaper touted this as the 'first even French zombie film' completely forgetting about Zombie Lake and the Grapes of Death. I haven't seen the Grapes of Death, but can tell you right now that it's much better than Zombie Lake (although not as funny).A group of French cops head for a mostly derelict block of flats to get revenge on some gangsters for killing one of their mates, and to rescue their boss who is being held captive. Of course, they completely botch the job, ending up captured by the gangsters and all lined up against a wall, ready to be executed. Outside, some sort of ruckus builds up and it becomes apparent to our people that something really bad is happening in Paris. The living dead have returned! Which I think has only happened in about three films ever up to this point.You know the drill. Loads of arguing, then everyone teams up eventually after a few folks get munched on. There's a pretty good sequence when the executed boss of the cops resurrects and the gangster fire about a million bullets into him (and some unlucky gangster). These are your fast moving zombies right here, so the survivors have to make it out of the building alive. However, some gangsters don't forget who they are, and some cops don't forget why they came to the building in the first place. Never mind pointing out that they were probably safer in the block of flats because I tried that and the film didn't listen anyway.Along the way they also meet a crazed elderly man who's quite handy with a machine gun and there's all sorts of shenanigans as the crew try to escape from the basement. While just another zombie film, the Horde play a bit with your expectations and those you expect to escape might not be the ones to make it.It's not hard to make an enjoyable zombie film (although it's surprising how many fail), and the Horde manages to be just that: An enjoyable zombie film. It keeps the pace up and throws in loads of zombie action. Just when you're beginning to think the film is flagging a bit, it picks up again. Don't worry if you miss it though – there's probably about a million zombie films being made as a type this.

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Everyone loves Zombies right? The Walking Dead is pretty much the biggest thing in pop culture at the moment (in my opinion, its a big shout I know). So, a movie that has zombies and the inevitable bloody violence that french horrors always seem to have should be pretty enjoyable. And, happily it is. There is some set up but basically its cops and robbers (ish) versus zombies in an environment that made me think of The Raid Redemption, cool combination. The zombies are feral and brutal and really quick the characters are all bad-asses and there is a weird old guy who is really wrong but perfect to add character in a movie like this. For a genre movie the story and acting were solid and there was tension throughout, I wanted these guys to be OK. There were a couple of standout action set pieces as this is definitely action and horror that reminded me of when you accidentally set off a cart alarm in left 4 dead, The Horde was a good choice of title in that respect. Fun 90 minute zombie movie, happy I watched and if there was a sequel I'd happily go for that as well.

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The Horde is one of those zombie films that concentrates on action rather than adhering to the standard (and more graphic) formula espoused by directors like George A. Romero and Lucio Fulci. The main difference between the two styles is that in the action-type movies the zombies are sometimes not the slow-moving type--they move fast. In this case extremely fast. This deviation from the norm (which is becoming much more common lately) often has its good points--and its bad points. Obviously, it gives an action film a shot of adrenalin which is highly preferred by those who enjoy this kind of film. Unfortunately, because the action often dominates everything, it sometimes diminishes any chance of good acting. It can also stunt much needed character development causing the film to seem somewhat shallow. This movie is no exception. However, the quality of the action is such that it manages to hide these faults for the most part. Likewise, the version I saw was dubbed in English but it also turned out to be a non-factor due to the fast pace overall. While it may not be as graphic as some zombie fans would like, it does offer plenty of violence and blood throughout which might appease all but the most die-hard fans of gore. In summation, it has its faults but if you're a zombie fan it is definitely worth watching. If you're not into zombies then it's still a good enough action film that's still probably worth a look.

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