The Evil Twin
The Evil Twin
| 23 May 2007 (USA)
The Evil Twin Trailers

In coma for a decade, the twin So Yeon wakes finally up. But she can't recall many things. Her other twin sister, Hyo Jin, died in the accident that led to So Yeon's coma. Now that So Yeon has gained her consciousness back, strange things start to happen.

Ben Larson

I promise you that if you do not pay attention, the ending will make absolutely no sense to you.This is a creepy suspense tale, with ghosts, about two girls, twins, who fall into the water. The mother arrives in time to save only one, and chooses the evil twin, who is also her favorite, So-yeon, letting the good twin, Daddy's favorite, Hyo-jin, drown. Both parts are played by then 17-year-old Hyo-jin.To say more would give the tale away, but, suffice it to say, it was fascinating. Yes, it unfolded slowly - it was a ghost story. That did not detract from the story, and it gave you time to enjoy the beautiful cinematography and costumes.Kim Ji-Hwan, who wrote and directed, did a good job for his first effort.The only thing that detracted from the film was the absolutely horrible sub-titles.

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