The Curse of the Screaming Dead
The Curse of the Screaming Dead
| 13 January 1982 (USA)
The Curse of the Screaming Dead Trailers

A group of six friends are out in the rural south on a deer hunt when they start hearing strange noises coming from the woods. An investigation of the sounds leads them to an old Confederate graveyard, which suddenly begins sprouting Rebel zombies. Like the living dead in every other movie, these zombies are hungry for human flesh and soon set to chowing down on the hapless hunters.


I'm not really the type to start nitpicking about technical problems in no-budget, Z-grade horror flicks, but dear Lord is this thing inept. This might just be the most poorly edited feature film I have ever seen. Is it daytime, is it nighttime? Are they in the woods, in a graveyard, in an open field, at Wal-Mart? Why is he looking over there, isn't the character he's talking to in the opposite direction? Why do they leave five seconds between every line? The main characters might be alcoholic rednecks but nobody thinks that slow. This movie plays ping-pong with your mind, you're constantly thinking it's you who's seen the previous shot wrong but the movie just turns out to be that badly made. Is it entertaining though? Well, I've got to say it kinda is. The first half hour is pointless filler, but it's funny pointless filler. I've never seen a group of horror movie "friends" hate each other so damn much. Why the hell do these six people who clearly can't stand one another (every pre-zombie second of this movie is bitching and gossiping about whoever's not there at the time) go on a camping weekend together, did they lose a bet with their real friends? When the zombies come things get pretty exciting, there are a lot of special effects to laugh at and some of the zombies (the few ones you can see, ever heard of lighting you guys?)are pretty decent-looking, I've seen worse zombie movies. With a bit more money, time and basic knowledge on cutting this could have been fully watchable, now it's something that at least manages to cater to the all important "this looks horrible, let's watch it"-crowd. And hell, I'll always be grateful to star Steve Sandkuhler (of "Night Of Horror" fame!) for giving me my nickname, so there's that.Fun yet incredibly scary fact: director Tony Malanowski stopped directing after this movie, he editor. Lord have mercy.

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I usually get very heated when my friends and colleagues question my taste in films: I passionately explain that unlike mainstream Hollywood movies, my preferred viewing—low-budget 'trash'—is unpredictable, unique, and challenging, and that even the most seemingly worthless of films can yield unexpected delights.However, that is not the case with Curse of the Cannibal Confederates, a film so completely wretched that it is utterly indefensible.Risible production values, acting so bad that it doesn't even qualify as amateurish, thoroughly obnoxious characters, atrocious sound, laughable effects, a terrible script: this one is a stinker on practically every level. Even some graphic scenes of gut-munching prove totally boring thanks to Tony Malanowski's lifeless direction.Do yourself a favour: on this occasion, go for the big-budget blockbuster. Even the blandest of PG-13 CGI-fests has got to have more to offer than The Curse of the Cannibal Confederates.

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OK, if you've watched this film in its entirety, you probably really really hate it, or you liked it. I fall into the latter group of viewers, for I not only watched the entire movie, but I love it for being sooo bad. Let's be honest, it's a really corny zombie movie with terrible special effects and even more terrible acting. And it's the only zombie movie I've ever seen in which a zombie weeps tears. This review isn't meant to convince you to love it, but rather it is meant to persuade you to keep an open mind if you're thinking about renting this one and to remind you to take the movie as is - a low budget zombie movie. If you set your standards too high on this one, you loose all the fun out of it.Plot - A group of campers find a mysterious graveyard out in the middle of the woods and inadvertently awaken the dead, who happen to be buried Confederate soldiers. The usual zombie attack ensues and the campers struggle to keep away from the undead menace. One overall problem with this plot is that it is very slow-moving. There are several minutes in the movie when you see nothing but someone walking around the woods without saying a word. Several long such episodes could've been shortened to quick key shots.Movie mechanics - The film is terrible in technique. The acting is almost hilarious and the lighting inconsistency is a bit annoying. But these flaws in the film production make this little flick a gem. I was so horrified at the way the movie was filmed, I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. I was fascinated by it. It was raw. It was like someone picked up a camcorder and decided to make a movie one morning. It is simply fascinating.Special effects - The special effects are very simple and ridiculous to the point of being comedic. In several shots in which zombies were supposed to be getting blown up by fireworks, the filmmakers decided to superimpose actual fireworks footage over the zombies. The effect was not only initially confusing, it was humorous. I will say the gore effects were satisfying. Every zombie movie has to meet a certain level of gore, and there is one scene in this movie in which someone gets eaten by a group of zombies, and the scene is literally 3-5 minutes long of nothing but watching the zombies eat the body and hearing the munching and crunching of the zombies. Again, the effect of this scene ended up being humorous. The makeup is equivalent to what you can find when you go to your friend's Halloween party. Nothing but white make up for the zombies.Why should I watch this movie? - This movie is low, and I mean LOW, budget. It resembles a family home video that was recorded back in the late 70's. It is simply a fascinating piece of work, and leaves you asking yourself why the crap anyone would have made a movie like it. But it was done all in good effort, and even included a gratuitous scene of a zombie feast.What might keep me away from renting this one? - The gore level is not hardcore for zombie fans. While it satisfies the minimum requirement, there simply wasn't enough of it scattered throughout the movie to make the other parts of the movie somewhat interesting. Instead, there are really only 1-2 scenes of real gore. Anyone who needs a lot of gore throughout a movie, this one's not for you. Also, there is zero skinappeal. You only get a few shots in the beginning of the chicks in skimpy swimwear, but that's all folks. The movie is also ridiculously long. It could've been condensed a bit.The proper way to watch this movie - When you're all alone, sit down with a six-pack (or whiskey, if you prefer) and pop some popcorn and watch this little gem under slight to moderate intoxication. This movie will not only be amusing, you might really really like it. I naturally love low budget crappy movies, so I am very glad I own a copy of this one. It has the proud honor of being perhaps one of the worst movies I had ever seen. And this makes it all the more lovable!

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Its funny reading negative comments posted by some of the previous viewers of curse of the cannibal confederates, I never knew so many people were film critics and production experts.sure the movie is very poorly executed and production values are minimal at best,yes the lighting is abysmal and the acting is wooden and forced but its amazing how some people watch a b movie in order to judge or complain,what did you think it was? Titanic 2? I guess its fun to pick apart these things but some of the comments seem as lame as the production, do you really think the film would be more believable with weathered headstones or uniforms? sure it was annoying when the close up insert shots of an outdoor daytime scene were shot indoors with an unlit background that didn't match the daytime master shot,but thats show biz folks.sometimes these people make a comedy without knowing it...thats how you have to watch these things...just appreciate that those people worked days or weeks on this thing for little or no money and you get to enjoy their "cinema".so I say watch COTCC...for the heck of it

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