The Christmas Card
The Christmas Card
G | 02 December 2006 (USA)
The Christmas Card Trailers

Sergeant Cody Cullen is deeply touched by a homemade Christmas card he receives while serving in Afghanistan. Upon his discharge, he treks to the picturesque California town of Nevada City. Cody is soon welcomed into the Spelman home and unexpectedly falls in love with the woman who sent the card, Faith.


Many of the movies of this type fail when it comes to chemistry between the leads and even more so, fail miserably when it comes to developing their coming together. This movie excels with both of these things. The chemistry is wonderful (totally lacking with the boyfriend) and the way the writers had them discovering it was real.It doesn't hurt when the leading lady has such beautiful eyes that are so expressive. And the male lead with his silent approach of wooing her was perfect. If you love romantic story telling, you will love this one. Ed Asner was wonderful as well as Lois Nettleton. You can't go wrong with this one.

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Jack Vasen

There are many heartwarming moments in this nice romantic film. But I thought that many of the plot lines were forced. For one thing, it made no sense to me that Cody didn't reveal the card to Faith at one moment early in the film where it seemed to be the obvious thing to do.Alice Evans, as Faith, had way to many scenes where she showed little emotion. John Newton, as Cody, was hardly any better in the emotion department, but at least for him, this made sense in his character and the situation. I wouldn't be jumping for joy if I were in love with another man's serious girlfriend. The path to love for these two was underplayed too much in the movie. We got far more evidence of it from the people around them than we did the couple themselves.And where did Paul even come from? How did they meet? How did she fall in love? At least one thing made sense. As Faith's dad realized, she would be far more content with the man who worked extra hard with his hands and was totally comfortable in the outdoors. Traveling the world would have little if no appeal to Faith, especially if it meant leaving her family.Edward Asner was excellent and so was Peter Jason who is probably responsible for most of the life and humor in the movie.

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I simply love the military angle. I wish Ed Asner and Lois Nettleton were my parents. I could be friends with Uncle Richard. I love their house. I love the scenery and Nevada City even though I've never been close to northern California. I bought the DVD and watch as often as I play my favorite music.It is NOT my nomination for an Academy Award however. While I am happy to "suspend disbelief" in many cases, but, holy cow, there are many glaring goofs when you've seen it as often as I have.Re. other reviewers issues....the whole story works better for me to believe there's an entire year between Cody receiving the card and his arrival in Nevada City. Look at how beat up the card is. Re. the ending. My preferred ending would be: Faith: "You forgot something. ME!" as she jumps on him. At least the ending is a believably passionate kiss, unlike many other Hallmark endings. (Moonlight and Mistletoe leaps to mind with its passionless kisses. Seriously, Candace Cameron looks like she's kissing her brother.)

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I watched this movie on wintersport in France, so it was synchronized in French. And I'm very glad it was, because I do not want to hear the conversations in this movie, ever!It's just your plain TV-movie with lousy actors and an EXTREMELY corny storyline. The dude is just the worst I've ever seen, no emotions whatsoever. And don't get me started about the chick who could not once make the right face expression.Although this has been the worst thing I've ever seen, we all shared a big laugh watching it. So I do recommend watching it, but do it when you're high as a kite. And do watch it in French.

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