The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell
The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell
R | 23 June 2006 (USA)
The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell Trailers

Based on the concept of "New America" in the year 2097, two decades after a nuclear apocalypse, Tex Kennedy, two robotic ex-secret service agents, and a female cannibal journey to find a famously dangerous area known as the "Threshold of Hell" to gain access to a radio tower to unite the survivors of the apocalypse.


This is the biggest pile of crap I have ever watched. DO NOT RENT! The makers of this movie should be band from ever making another movie. It starts with some what of a plot, then fades fast to nothing. I think I would rather watch paint dry then to as much as looking at the cover. The actors were awful, the plot faded fast, filming left to much work to be done. Not one good thing to say about this crap movie. If you rent this movie you will waste your money. I really enjoy National Lampoon movies, but this was a waste of time. Learn to write, learn to act, learn to produce, and learn to direct. I feel I should sue these a-holes that made this movie for money wasted on rental cost and time lost.

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Starting with the title, this campy, hilarious, New American film is gushing with the zeal of the youthful, hip, and edgy filmmakers. Charting a primordial course towards a new genre, Writer/Director/Lead Kevin Wheatley and his directing collaborator Johnny Gillette, along with co-conspirator Cameron Pierce, have touched on something quite new and fresh. Hearkening back to the multi-format style of some of their predecessors like Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers and Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, the filmmakers lucidly blend time-shifting storytelling with "expert" testimony, hand drawn animation and graphics with live action, and clever writing with strong performances.A first attempt at making a feature film is usually marred with over-acting, technical blunders, and misguided "post-fixes". This film, however, is an overachiever for these first time filmmakers. Their strong storytelling skills shine through in their History Channel-on-mescaline style, and the wait for their next foray has already been too long.{ {d(-_-)b} }

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Saw the film at the LA Film Festival and had a great time. It's not a Hollywood film, it's very much an independent spirit and as such the story telling is not your traditional formulaic arc. It feels like a historical chronicle of the end of the world and the rebuilding afterwards with sections of narrative dialog.There is a fascinating array of characters and character work presented in the piece.The visual effects are amazing when you consider what is achieved on a micro budget. The filmmakers have taken imagination and creativity over a big budget. I particularly enjoyed the digital effects with the introduction of each character and the use of narration and biography writers to frame the story.I loved it and am looking forward to the next installment.

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I was fortunate enough to enjoy this incredibly out-of-the-box, stylized cinematic treat at the LA Film Fest, and feel completely encouraged that the next generation of filmmakers will usurp the mainstream machine's unimaginative grip on the industry.The movie rolls by at a rapid pace, introducing you to barrage of creative characters in a well-established world of the future. I was very impressed by the comedy blended within the gory and bizarre realm of New America. Bravo to the entire crew that brought this film to fruition, because the hard work clearly paid off. I found myself quoting and reliving some of the most hilarious and brutal moments after I left the theater.Keep an eye on this crew of filmmakers!

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