Tempus fugit
Tempus fugit
| 13 November 2003 (USA)
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Tempus Fugit explores the effects of being able to travel back and forth in time in boring and insignificant installments – half-day to 6-7 days, at a stretch. But the point is, much like Butterfly Effect (the film – the wikipedia definition!), small, utterly insignificant, initial variations can/ may lead to large changes in the long term. This fascinating theory is clubbed along with an average-nobody’s seemingly inconsequential every day act becoming significant enough to save the world – to an incredible effect.


This is a wonderful film. Not for any one particular reason -- the acting is great, the story keeps you wanting to learn more and involves time travel without becoming confusing -- it's just an all-around fun film. It is unfortunately difficult to see in the United States since the actors speak Catalan and it has mostly been making the rounds in film festivals. Through a series of email exchanges, I've learned that a DVD can be purchased from Manga films in Spain. The DVD is region 2, not 1, so be sure your DVD can play it, but this is well worth the trouble to track down. I saw this film in 2004 and it comes to mind often enough that I am trying to purchase a copy 3 years later.

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Timetravelling, the apocalypse and true love - sounds promising? Well, it isn't. First of all: the concept of time travel is used without any sense in the film, which annoys me, but maybe not everybody will find this disturbing. The movie is full of clichés, normal guy needs to save the world, but is really a hero, love seems doomed, but turns out stronger even than the apocalypse! Hooray. Even bystanders applaud when the two main characters find each other with a passionate kiss that seems to come out of the blue, how original. The time travel clichés are also present: a little change can make events develop totally differently (yeah, yeah, we know that by now). The clumsiness of the main character is too much, too stereotypical, and a mere attempt to imitate other films with similar anti-heroes. The situation in which somebody from the future who never had any alcohol goes totally drunk after one beer is also really-just-not-new. I'm being honest, I like movies, and nothing in this one seems to be original, it's an accumulation of poor copies of concepts that we have encountered in many films before.So aren't there any good things in this movie? Well, there are, some. Some dialogs (but not many) are quite funny, and the setting in Barcelona is warm and nice, the photography is quite all right though not exceptional. I wouldn't recommend anyone to go and see this movie at all.

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Adorable. Charming. Smart. Clever. Funny. Warm-hearted. Quirky. Delightfully tongue-in- cheek. If this movie was made for TV, why isn't American TV this good?Ramon is a shy guy in Spain, who has a terrible crush on Angie. A time traveler from the future enlists Ramon's help to save the world, and many comical and surprising missteps ensue. As they mess with the timeline, an unintended consequence occurs: Ramon and Angie fall in love. Will Ramon be able to save the world? Will saving the world require a change in the timeline that will erase their new love? Is saving the world really worth the effort if Madrid is going to beat Barcelona in the soccer championship? If you're ever lucky enough to have a chance, go see this movie!(Seen at the Port Townsend Film Festival, Port Townsend, Washington, USA, Sept. 2005)

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Tempus Fugit is a very human take on the ancient theme of time travel. Despite this seeming lack of originality, the film is anything but clichéd in its execution. It deftly tackles in a refreshing way the story of an apparently ordinary man, chosen to do an important job - or else the world ends. Time travel is at the heart of both story and ultimate solution, yet it is clearly a means, a device, implemented in the story in the most simple of fashions. Most things appear simple at first sight in this movie, which is a nice change from the convolution that characterises so many similar themed films. Paradox is neither explained nor ignored, but treated matter-of-factly - not an obstacle but a given, hardly worth mentioning.The characters are sympathetic in the extreme, from the main personage to the woman he secretly admires, from his rabid football loving neighbour to the people that occupy the square that is a central location to the film. Even the 'visitor from the future', obnoxious though he seems at first, has a certain charm that makes you want to forgive his crasser statements. The same really goes for the entire film, whose low production values shine through at times but never become distracting: the small flaws that are there are easily ignored in the face of a charming tale, told in such a clearly loving fashion that by the end it'll have put a smile on your face and made you realise that its ending, which out-Hollywoods Hollywood itself, is the only one possible after a story like this. Highly recommended. (Seen at the Amsterdam Festival for Fantastic Films, April 2004 - prefaced by an interview with the director)

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