Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
PG-13 | 31 March 2017 (USA)
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract Trailers

Tara Markov is a girl who has power over earth and stone; she is also more than she seems. Is the newest Teen Titan an ally or a threat? And what are the mercenary Deathstroke's plans for the Titans?

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'Teen Titans: The Judas Contract' may not be among the best of the numerous animated superhero/comic book films, and there are some pretty good to excellent ones out there (as well as some disappointments). To me, it's a worthy effort though the divisive, leaning towards the positive, opinions are understandable. It's certainly far more preferable than the series 'Teen Titans Go!', that was cheap, poorly written and was basically dumbed down childish stupidity that forgot basically everything that made the original series so great. 'Teen Titans: The Judas Contract' is a very welcome return to the dark grit and touching upon complex sensitive themes, both done very well indeed.Animation consists of atmospheric colours, detailed character designs and backgrounds and fluidity of movement. The music has an ideal mix of haunting intensity and jaunty infectiousness. The writing balances light witty humour, poignant drama and dark tension.Most of the story is very absorbing and it's well paced and coherent. It's standard stuff that doesn't break new ground by any stretch, but a lot happens and the film succeeds in making most of the story and characters interesting and well done. Particularly well done of the characters are Deathstroke (much more than a typical villain), Blue Beetle, Beastly and Nightwing. Nightwing and Starfire's chemistry is incredibly well done in the comedy and drama. The voice acting is very good, especially from Christina Ricci and the revelation that is the late Miguel Ferrer.For all those great things, 'Teen Titans: The Judas Contract' has shortcomings. It could have done with more development to Damian and Terra's motivations and character development to be made clearer and more consistent.A slightly longer length by about 10-15 minutes may have helped perhaps. Just personal opinion of course.On the whole, worthy if not brilliant. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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C Garcia

Really enjoyed the movie not just because of the awesome characters but because it is really action packed and is a great adaptation of the original comic. Love the character development as well like Nightwing and Star fire relationship. Really great addition to the titan movies and will not disappoint.

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Harry Richard Dahl

It was as good as the run time allowed it to be. It was entertaining and most of the characterizations were great, wish Damian Wayne wasn't in it because I hate the whiny little -shit but all in all I enjoyed it. This is the kind of thing that'd work so well in a TV series, once we've had enough time to get to know and love the characters. I just wish the writers of these newer titans would stop trying to force a relationship between Raven and Damian; it doesn't work. She needs someone to bring her out of her comfort zone and try to make her smile, not some wanna be bad boy that she can sit in a corner and brood with.

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If your a fan of the Teen Titans in any format you will love this film. This movie takes everything from the Judas Contract and everything that made people love the Teen Titans and bring it all together in one of the funnest films that DC has ever put out. Giving us something that would truly make Marv Wolfman proud of. This series pulls farthest from the new 52 and gives us something a little bit more old school. We get the bonds between Tera and Beast Boy, the energetic romantic love of Starfire and Nightwing along with a little bit of Raven and Damian peppered through it. It also redeems Deathstroke after his laughable appearance in Son of Batman giving us the Deathstroke fans have been wanting. Its fun, its dark and it is a emotional journey as we connect with each of the Titans. Learning about what makes them all heroes and what makes them a team as well. The film is able to have a good balance with each of the Titans and make them seem more touching and lovable as well. Overall Teen Titans: The Judas Contract is a must buy for all Teen Titans fans

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