Tales of an Ancient Empire
Tales of an Ancient Empire
| 31 July 2010 (USA)
Tales of an Ancient Empire Trailers

A princess is on a quest to unite the five greatest warriors to save her kingdom from a demon sorceress.


First of all: bad acting, bad acting, bad acting.Need I say more?OK then... let's see.A movie that lasts barely 90 minutes which has a 10 minutes title opening.Got the picture?Nothing mind shattering is happening during the opening. Just a lot of bla-bla delivered as badly as these actors (and actresses) ever could.The director must have had "Dune" in mind, since this picture opens with a female narrator and goes on and on about a story that those ho ever watched the original one well remember.It was probably done for those affected by Alzheimer's disease (poor sods...).The rest is not even close to a sequel. Just a lot of "macho" acting, some stupid giggling around for no reason and a story line (if one can call it that) that is as confused as the rest of this movie.I believe the writers of this homunculus of a movie must have sniffed too much cocaine, or meth, and have just read comics, instead of true literature.I am aware that there are some around here and elsewhere, who have praised the sequel as "solid". I don't know where they were while watching this, or what kind of other distraction may have confused their minds, but they apparently never really watched a truly well made movie, and I do not mean a blockbuster movie - just a well directed and acted one - there are some low budget movies that have astonished me in my own lifetime, but not this one.This is simply trash, despite the presence of Kevin Sorbo and Lee Horsley (who also starred in the original one).Sorry to disappoint you all with my own view, but if I had had the money, I would certainly have produced a much better and more inventive movie than this one.So, in short, if you want to watch it go on and do it. If you like it, the better for you.My copy landed in the trash bin and into oblivion as it should have been when produced...

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Half of this movie is told by the guy who shows you his skilled but completely unrealistic drawings while you are trying to play an RPG at the local game shop. Meanwhile, you are ignoring the only attractive female in the place who is a witch casting a spell on you to give her all of your money. You manage to shift your attention to your GM who is really an ancient cyborg vampire who defeated the great robot king Albazarek in the fearsome robot wars of antiquity ushering in the age of man so that the vampires could feast on their blood in the darkness, but that is a story for another time. Your character is a half assed chaotic good human fighter that you hurriedly threw together while your mother talked about how she got the stains out of your underwear. Why can't she leave you alone? You're thirty-eight and obviously busy with something important! The GM spent little time describing the players' surroundings and left you to grope about an empty world trying to make sense of tons of useless background story. Then you notice a D4 on the floor that your skilled eye knows is a holy caltrop +3 from the demonic baby plague that ruined the future, but that is a story for another time...

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I agree with jewel5's review, I had not seen Lee Horsley in anything since he did the series "Paradise", He was a very popular actor in the 1980's. He had the starring role in " Sword and the Sorcerer", and I thought this was a sequel to his character "Talon". I was totally wrong about that, he had a very small cameo role and was listed as "The Stranger"?? This movie was a mess from the beginning, and Michael Pare's acting was terrible, he sounds like he is reading "Q" cards. I guess Lee Horsley's acting career is limited to "cameo" roles of less than "B" movies now, this is a shame that a gifted actor such as Horsley is reduced to this because of his age(mid 50's I believe). I rated this a 1 out of 10, but it should be a 0 out of ten!!

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Saw this at the Louisville Frightnight Film Convention back in July. It wasn't ideal conditions and the dialogue was hard to hear. Think there was something wrong with the sound system as the music and effects were very loud. It was a midnight screening that started an hour late but there was still a good crowd. My friends and I hung around after the costume ball to see this. The picture was really great. Its really shoot nicely and the actors are attractive with Melissa Ordway being HOT as the princess trying to recruit her half brother (Sorbo from Hercules) and a bunch of hot looking half sisters to save kingdom from another hottie, the actress from Monsters who looks better here and is not annoying as she was in Monsters. She's actually excellent here as a super powerful vampire. The story is told in sort of flashback form. We meet the Princess as she enters a town after seeing the vampire being reborn. We don't know the connection until the Princess starts to recruit and tells the story of who she is and what happened. What I liked about that was how it made the fantasy more modern and compelling. I liked the mystery and having to put the story together. Usually these movies just spell it out and its not very interesting. The other thing I liked was how fast paced the movie was but without losing characterization. I wished the film had bigger scenes but I didn't miss them until after. The violence when it came was shocking and surprising and got a lot of reaction from the audience. In a way there's so much humor that its really gets the audience involved. It was a very loud audience, in a good way. The music was good and the worst part was the special effects which weren't special. The climax where the vampire is killed is too fast and not as well done as it should be by today's standards. Her change into some kind of snake was a bit goofy. I think the low budget is really what hurt this film the most. The actors were all good and better than I expected. It was cool to see familiar faces like Rolf Mueller and Michael Pare, Sasha Mitchell (!) and even Oliver Gruner from Nemesis. i think they were all in previous films for the director. Definitely a solid rent. Hopeully the dialogue can be heard better!

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