| 11 May 2015 (USA)
Tag Trailers

Mitsuko, a young student, encounters a series of horrifying incident set in alternate realities where people wind up dead in the most horrendous fashion.


Let's bring back the good ole days when Japanese horror was remade in America with a budget. At least, we might get realistic effects.Oh, God, here comes the fake CGI blood again. Well, not just the blood. Every special effect, every "horrific" moment looked so incredibly bad, this 2015 release would rival 1995's Mortal Kombat as some of the worst CGI I've seen. Sadly, it took me right out of the picture and since there was so much of the dime-store effects, I couldn't come back onboard.Immediately into the feature, something horrible happens to two buses transporting many school girls. Well, it would seem horrible if it looked even 1% remotely real. But, since it was unintentionally hilarious with the five cents and five minutes they spent on the scene, I wasn't the least bit horrified.Basically, there's something "HAPPENING" (catch that reference and you'll know) and it leaves one survivor, one of the girls. She manages to get away, or more likely, was allowed to get away and into a new story she goes. She's still herself, but the surroundings are all different. And then, another bad thing happens - this time, it's a fairly sensitive situation here in the US. So, I guess if they did remake this, this scene's gotta go.Rinse and repeat. The events, that is. But, there has to be a point right?As much as this is wildly original and the girls do an okay job, the movie loses steam when it's supposed to do the opposite. Add the lackluster second-half that asks even more questions than answers to the disgraceful and unimaginative CGI, this is HIGHLY un-recommended.Tag, you're not it.***Final thoughts: I'm shocked on how much I wasn't a fan of this. Recently, I've discovered many new-to-me Japanese, Korean and Chinese horror movies that were literally out of this world fantastic. From the top notch direction, to the superb acting, to the deep scripts, to the gorgeous cinematography, to the great effects...it's almost disheartening USA can't even touch some of these greats made in Asia. And then...we have this fake-fest.Hey, Tag. Shame you brought upon the family of Asian greats. SHAME.

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Since really good streamed movies are something of a rarity on Netflix, I decided to give TAG a chance at proving me wrong. Well, I must be totally honest here, asides from all the pantie and bra flashes which were erotically evocative for me, there's just no other worthwhile substance to these movies that would lead me to give it a higher rating than 3 stars, and only because of all the sexually suggestive undergarments and skin shown here. I must also mention that this is a cheap shot at "Vanilla Sky" which was a much more complex and superior movie than Tag.

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I'm rate this movie 6/10 and decided to rate Dragon Head (2003) at 1/10effectiveness scene: 8/10 (sometime boring enough to make my wife yawn out loud, but even the boring yawn scene is counted at the end, next time ... but next time, I'd love if it shorter and more brief than it was.)Mindblowing: opening 12/10, 2nd act 3/10, 3rd act 6.3/10, peak 7.5/10, ending(resolution) 4/10This movie distinguish from other japan movies lead cast by teenage, which always wasted time with ineffectiveness/meaningless scene. (Such as Dragon Head, Battle Royal even 20th Century Boy, which finally I came to realize that those movie made from comic book is just a step stone for a young actor/actress, these industry not meant to make it great.) Like everyone said the film opening was fantastic, amaze, wonderful, ... (sorry I can't tell how it's great in words) But prepare your mind not to set high hope at the end... but yet, every scene counted, even boring sequence after the opening.

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Lauren foks

Shion has a reputation. He has recently been downgrading his own reputation on purpose it seems, but he still has a reputation and this film finally tries to upkeep it. Now this isn't the type of movie you would watch at church on a Sunday with the ball and chain but it is after church when the ball and chain stays behind for some quilting or whatever that you sneak into the basement with buds over a brewskyHow? Gore, explosions, mystery and like loads of thin flaunting girls. Like what else can you ask for? Yeah, if you want depth and crap like Mama Mia then go for that, but here the music and the dance comes from the type of oozing blood that few masters can deliver and one of those has directed TAG! Don't miss it even if it hard to find. Prepare for the screaming

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