Superman Kirk Alyn
Superman Kirk Alyn
NR | 15 July 1948 (USA)
Superman Kirk Alyn Trailers

Superman comes to Earth as a child and grows up to be his home's first superhero with his first major challenge being to oppose The Spider Lady.


U.S. release: 1948. U.K. release: 1949. 2 reels each episode. Total running time: 284 minutes. In 1953, Columbia cut the serial down to a mere 7,923 feet (88 minutes). This cutdown was released in England in September 1953, but it was never released in any medium, either theatrically or to television, in Australia or the U.S.SYNOPSIS: Superman, alias Clark Kent, reporter, assisted by his Daily Planet colleagues Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, thwarts the nefarious plans of the self-styled Spider Lady, mistress of crime. COMMENT: Katzman's Columbia serials are a sorry lot. And this one alas is no exception. Produced on an obviously miniscule budget, this one can't even afford a change of clothes for Lois Lane. Throughout almost the entire film, she wears a ridiculously plate-shaped cap, both indoors and out, whether in peril or in repose. She finally gets rid of it in chapter 13.All the cliffhangers are as tame as iced tea, with obvious resolutions that wouldn't excite a six-year-old child. Also noticeably juvenile was the decision to have Superman fly not with the aid of wires or special effects but crude animation. I'm afraid this Superman would be jeered off the screen by today's youngsters.The players do what they can against a trite, talky, amateurishly plotted script. The "B" grade shuffle is much in evidence with the players using up an unconscionable amount of screen time making entrances and exits, walking to the telephone, and general bouts of just twiddling around.If you must have an episode for your collection, I would suggest 13. Not only does it feature all the principals, but it ends with a chair thrown at the camera, the one sole trace of directorial flair in the entire movie. And the preceding fist fight is not too badly staged either.Otherwise a pedestrian effort in all respects, this Superman is best forgotten.

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I actually have the episodes, and, there are 16, not 15. There are actually TWO Episodes numbered 5. The first episode is Superman comes to earth . 2. depths of the earth 3. the reducer ray 4. man of steel 5. a job for superman 5. Atom man tricks superman etc (and then there are title errors from the previous listing)6. Atom Man's Challenge 7. At The Mercy of Atom Man 8. Into the Empty Doom 9. Superman Crashes Through 10. Atom Man's Heat Ray 11. Luthor's Strategy 12. Atom Man Strikes 13. Atom Man's Flying Saucer 14. Rocket of Vengeance 15. Superman Saves the Universe. I honestly don't know why there were so MANY errors listed in the previous posts, but I do have them copied from VHS now on DVD. So, I can say in all honesty I have the proof. The joke is I had them all written out as they appeared but the silliness of this page said no shouting ... well pardon me, but that is the way they were authored some 60 years ago. I guess back then people weren't so silly. I hadn't seen them since about 1974 or so, and I was actually impressed at the drawings of Superman flying since they didn't have the special effects of today. The acting could have been better, but, it was fun to watch again. I am giving a few copies to some people for nostalgia. They will bring a smile to your face if you get the chance to see them!Turner Classics just recently aired them, so watch for them, they may air them again!

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A great serial especially in noting this was made 6 years after the golden era of serials. This serial features an outstanding and large serial cast led by Kirk Alyn as Superman. Mr. Alyn played the role in fine fashion and though he lacked the Roman jaw of George Reeves he easily makes a favorable impression. The rest of The Daily Planet crew also are quite good especially Noel Neill who is as feisty as Lois Lane as Kidder or Coates in later versions. Villains Carol Foreman and Charles Quigley both are memorable. The flying sequences are animated. I think it gave the screenwriters much more flexibility to the character than an actor or dummy on wires would have. This a film that is fun to watch more than once. It has a lot of spunk and humor as well as action.

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This is a great serial. What people tend to forget when watching it today, is that it was made in 1948 and was aimed at the Saturday matinee crowd.The special effects, to be sure, are primitive by today's standards, but take a closer look. Remember this was 1948. The opening sequence and Superman's flying effects were achieved through some excellent animation.Don't forget that Superman IS a comic book character. The transition from live action to animation in the flying sequences, is performed seamlessly and realistically. I thought that this was pretty innovative for its' time.Kirk Alyn was born to play Superman. He gives a realistic and credible performance as both Superman and Clark Kent. The diminutive Noel Neill makes an excellent Lois Lane, girl reporter, Timmy Bond (Formerly "Butch" of the Our Gang comedies) is good as Jimmy Olsen and veteran Pierre Watkin is suitably cranky as Perry White.Carol Forman brings a cold and icy sexiness to the role of the Spider Lady, Superman's chief nemesis. Serial veterans Charles Quigley, Charles King, Terry Frost and Rusty Wescoatt round out the cast in various villain roles.

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