Sundays and Cybele
Sundays and Cybele
| 12 November 1962 (USA)
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The tragic story of a young orphan girl who is befriended by an innocent but emotionally disabled veteran of the French Indochina War.

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Pierre, a soldier traumatised in Indochina for killing a child, lives in ghost-like existence. Amnesic, detached and distracted, he spends his days at a train station waiting for his love, Madeleine, to come from work. One day he meets a lonely girl interned in a school and plots an ingenious plan to get her to see every Sunday, by pretending to be her father come to take her out. These two figures, abandoned as they are, are perfect for each other.Serge Bourguignon's Sundays and Cybele is one of those intimate dramas built on almost nothing, so simple and straightforward it is. The movie focuses almost exclusively on Pierre and Cybele, their strolls to the park, and the emotional relief she gives him.The black-and-white cinematography complements the story perfectly, since Pierre's world is also one of dualisms: life and death, adult corruption and youthful innocence, honesty with Cybele and deception with everyone else.Hardy Kruger plays Pierre with feeling, looking like a man who lives lost in a world he's cut off from. He has trouble communicating his ideas and expresses himself with facial expressions and his clumsy body movements. Patricia Gozzi plays the 12-year-old Cybele and I wonder why she didn't triumph in film: at a tender age she showed more talent than many adult actors.Melancholy, serene and introspective, Sundays and Cybele is a drama not to be missed by anyone who enjoys quiet movies built on powerful relationships.

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One of the most beautiful cinematic statements against human small-minded prejudiced brutality. Beautifully shot in very crisp black and white. The imagery will definitely remain lodged in viewer's head for ever. It's a triumph of loving kindness and friendship over prejudice and hatred that indeed know no borders and are more or less alike anywhere on this planet. Sad News From A Strange Planet? I can't remember exactly but that was the title of a chillingly brilliant Herman Hesse story. It stems from the same universal human wound: the sadness of what we do and very frequently are as opposed to what we should and could have been in our starry essence.The France was never more melancholy, never more beautiful. I mourn her loss and I mourn the loss of films that would evoke as much humane and poetic feeling.

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I was fortunate to catch a rare rep. theater screening of Sundays and Cybele when I was in High School. The film made a huge impact on me, and I'm happy to report 14 years later that it's as good as I remembered. Why isn't this film mentioned in the same breath as Jules et Jim and Breathless? And why does it have such a lousy video transfer? Sundays and Cybele needs to be restored and re-released- it's one of the greatest movies ever. Does anyone know why Bourguignon made so few films?

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Having seen this film around 1967, I was glad to read on-line a little more to refresh my memory of it...I have remembered the plot and the drama of this particular film since that time...It is that strong of a film! Something about the tenderness of the friendship between Pierre and the young girl who's name is his Christmas present from her. The tragedy lies in the fact that it truly illustrates what DOES happen in life: that people misjudge what is happening, and take regretful actions sometimes.

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