Staten Island Summer
Staten Island Summer
R | 30 June 2015 (USA)
Staten Island Summer Trailers

Pals Danny and Frank spend the summer after high school working as lifeguards while figuring out their future.


What do you get when you cross the classics Caddyshack and Superbad with Lorne Michaels producing? An unfunny movie that is not surprisingly disappointing. Has anyone done more to set comedy back 100 years than Michaels? If you are going to rip off characters from comedic genius' Ramis and Apatow then make sure you steal their jokes too. The acting is good but the premise is stale. Kate Walsh, in particular, plays a strong role as Danny's overprotective borderline neurotic mom. Beyond the acting, the writing is average. What could have been funny scenes fall short of hitting the comedic mark. Overall, I give it 3 out of 10 stars and that's being generous. If you have time rent Superbad and Caddyshack. The originals are much better versions than this poor derivative.

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Chris P

It started out quite good. The first ten minutes in, I was very interested. But then it just got lazy...the writing was sloppy and careless. The acting wasn't very good. And the plot seemed like a worse version of Superbad. I'm 21 years old, and I'm basically the target audience for a movie like this. I've enjoyed almost every other summer comedy about partying, but this one was dragged out, corny, and just overall a bad movie. Give me my 2 hours back please...? I don't recommend it.PS- Jim Gaffigan was hilarious.PPS- The main character was all.

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Maureen Donohue

I have lived on Staten Island for over 40 years and am sick of Staten Island being depicted in this way. I couldn't even watch more than the first 15 minutes before turning it off. First of all the pool is supposed to be in Great Kills at their club which is expensive and maybe filled with some dunces but not the type of dunces depicted. That area is high income white and those people would not like this stereo type which does fit a great number of Staten Islanders and New Jersey types. The types depicted are lower income blue collar workers and even though Great Kills has some of the latter the club prides itself on being above all that and is much too expensive for me or my family to have ever attended. Second what is funny about a bunch of clueless teens spending their aimless summers trying to get laid and have fun preening muscles at idiot girls and cannon balling into the pool in totally irresponsible fashion. (Even at our city pool which is lovely this behavior is not tolerated.) It's all been done before and better. The days of Animal House being amusing are over. There are tons of other types both here and in New Jersey (a state of which I as a New Yorker do not have a special fondness) who have complex intelligent lives. If this was even slightly amusing I might have continue to watch but other than showing that some of the neighborhoods and beach are often overlooked in their beauty I was completely repelled. I live on the opposite shore depicted in the film (North Shore) but I am sure that those on the South Shore might also not find this film to their taste.

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Aktham Tashtush

So maybe there is a little bit of the "Project X" idea in this movie and to be precise it's no where as strong as project x but it was kind enjoyable with a handful of funny jokes despite the predictability on the story itself. Even though the idea is not that genuine but The plot is fresh the events roll in a good scale and the writing looked good, i had a couple laughs, some giggles .. i mean you gotta give it all to Colin Jost , man !! such a young talent with so much experience with "Saturday Night Live" , he surely stepped it up a lot.As for the cast ,, mostly SNL cast plus the really funny dude Zack Pearlman , Graham Phillips form "The Good Wife" and Jackson Nicoll the kid from Jackass .. LOOOL i love his face :D so the cast are really good ,, and i think they are the ones who made the movie a bit more enjoyable... and i have to mention that their performance here is in so many levels much better than their "Balls Out(Intramural )" movie which been released last month.Overall, the movie does not have a new surprisingly unexpected idea but the cast did one hell of a great job with somehow good written script to make it look like this.

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