Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
PG | 09 June 1989 (USA)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Trailers

A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.

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Star Trek : The Final FrontierThe franchise has failed to offer the essence and spirit of the series since, but this one shatters the lower expectations of the franchise and begs the question of its existence. There isn't anything rhythmic let along be poetic in here, just a mere misguided action flick that can't even be called sci-fi for its failed attempt to go mythical back fires very poorly on itself. The script never had enough crisp or meat to make it to the screen in the first place addition to that, the execution by Leonard Nimoy seems to have gone loose rather than getting it all together or improving. The performance is decent but not something outstanding not that it could have saved the feature, for there wasn't much range or space for the actors to factor in. It is short on technical aspects like visual effects, sound department and editing. The only sequence to look forward is the conversation among Spock, Kirk and McCoy. Star Trek : The Final Frontier is accurately titled on terms of its production of the features as it brings into halt on every single aspect of it like characters, plot-line and the spark of creativity that made it's predecessor what it is.

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Filipe Neto

This film is the fifth film of the franchise and addresses, in the worst way, a spiritual theme: the search for God. The whole script is based on an unsuccessful space travel in search of the creator of all things. When a script starts from a bad idea it is lost, and this case proves this theory. The story of this movie sucks from beginning to end, and I do not even know how it was possible that such idiocy was actually carried on. The special effects are within what has been done in the previous films, the performance of the actors was not particularly inspiring, but what really put the film to waste was the plot with such absurd ideas. A missed opportunity.

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Eric Stevenson

I have yet to see a single episode of the "Star Trek" TV show (or shows) but seeing as how I'm so familiar with the movies, I guess you could go ahead and call me a fan. I had heard that this was the worst "Star Trek" movie ever made and from what I've seen, I agree wholeheartedly. It's sad seeing as how I managed to see all of the good ones already. Anyway, this movie mostly suffers from being needlessly padded. It's actually one of the shorter films, but it certainly seems longer. I guess it's just like that whenever you watch a boring movie. The villain's plan literally isn't revealed until over halfway through the film.He wants to literally find God. It's kind of weird, because I thought that "Star Trek" was supposed to be promoting secularism. They do have this weird moral about where God truly is at the end. I know Gene Roddenberry was an atheist, which is probably why he wants us to forget this film. It's a pity he never truly lived to see the full release of the one after this, the last one he was personally involved with. We get scenes of the characters on vacation which adds nothing to the story at all. I don't think until a half hour in they actually do something themselves. I will admit I like the sets and some of the conversations weren't bad, but any moviegoer can easily skip this one. **

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By the beginning of the nineties Star Trek wasn't hip anymore and it shows on this flick. It's the most hated one and I really found it a boring flick for one reason only, the characters became parodies of themselves. Even as a lot of money was spend to make this flick, it only shows on the effects, it do is laughable at moments.Just have a look at Uhura dancing, how goofy is that. It rather started okay but falls quickly into a boring thing. Best thing for me was the opening sequence. What also shows is that some actors are becoming to old. And the worst thing are some scene's that really are cartoonish. The scene in the elevator shaft with Spock and his jets on his shoes that is really a turn off. And the scene at the fire in the beginning in Yosemite, way too long. One to forget.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5

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