Spanish Movie
Spanish Movie
| 03 December 2009 (USA)
Spanish Movie Trailers

Large doses of humor, ingenious nods to Spain's most recent national cinema, an artistic cast highly linked to comedy and a high reserve of surprises constitute the ingredients of this crazy comedy: Spanish Movie.


Absurd as well as disconcerting spoof with a lot of Spanish stars parodying known films . It deals with the botcher Ramira (Alejandra Jimenez) is contracted by Laura (Silvia Abril) to work as maid and to care her two photosensitive (it is very strange with roughly a thousand people in the world that have it) children , Ofendia and Simeon . But clumsy Ramira accidentally kills Simeon and decides to lie about his death . As bungler nanny Ramira in charge of caring the children then she meets paraplegic Pedro (Carlos Areces) and they fall in love with each other , but he wants to commit suicide himself , asking for help housemaid Ramira . This is a hilarious parody , surrealist , extreme spoof and gross-out but also is intelligent and bold , especially parodying ¨Los Otros's Alejandro Amenabar¨ and ¨El Orfanato's Juan Antonio Bayona¨ . This is a slightly funny film with entertaining events , giggles , profanities , and amusement but also very embarrassing . The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind, and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few ridiculous . The characters are quite odd , grotesque and weird and the film races on at incredible speed . Dirty humor is sometimes cheesy and gross-out with numerous naughty and picaresque situations such as sex jokes , bad taste and adult scenes . My feelings are extremely mixed but I must admit there are things I haven't been able to stop laughing about ; however , it also contains uneven comedy , piggy humor , abound sexual scenes , profanity and grossed themes . A few of the scenes are amusing , they elicit chuckles but no very enjoyable laughters . The films references are numerous and provide silly laughs from start to finish , the amusement is to guess what movies result to be parodied such as ¨The Orphanage¨, ¨Mar Adentro or The sea inside¨ , ¨Abre Los Ojos or Open your eyes¨ , ¨Alatriste¨ , ¨Lunes Al Sol¨,¨Laberinto Del Fauno or Pan's labyrinth ¨ , ¨Rec¨ by Jaume Balaguero , ¨Volver¨ by Pedro Almodovar and many others . The picture contains loads of fun here and there and a passel of cameo appearances as Belen Rueda of The Others , Leticia Dolera of REC , Michelle Jenner , Andreu Buenafuente , Berto Romero , Eduardo Gomez , Joselito , Nacho Vidal , Jordi Vilches , Fernando Gil , Chiquito De La Calzada and filmmakers as Alex De La Iglesia , Juan Antonio Bayona , Xavi Gimenez , Sergio Sanchez , Jaume Balaguero , Paco Plaza and Alejandro Amenabar . And special appearance by Leslie Nielsen who shot his scenes in 2 days. All the Muchachada Nui series (2007) crew made a cameo appearance in the bar scene. Xavi Gimenez cinematography is excellent creating an adequate atmosphere , he's expert on sombre photography (Fragile , Agora , Red lights , Nameless) . Atmospheric musical score by Fernando Velazquez (Mama , El Orfanato , Lo Impossible) .The motion picture was regularly directed by Javier Ruiz Caldera . He was born in Barcelona and is a good director and editor , he realized some Shorts and being expert on comedies , especially known for Spanish Movie (2009) , Promoción Fantasma (2012) and Tres Bodas De Mas or 3 many wedding (2013) . Furthermore , he is preparing Anacleto Agente Secreto (in post-production) and SuperLopez . The motion picture will appeal to lunatic humor and absurd comedy enthusiasts

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Claudio Carvalho

The clumsy Ramira (Alexandra Jiménez) is hired by Laura (Sílvia Abril) to work as housemaid and nanny of her two children Simeón (Oscar Lara) and Ofendia (Laia Alda). On the arrival, Ramira locks Simeón in the sun but the boy has photo dermatitis and dies, burnt by the sunlight. Ramira hides from Laura what she did to Simeón. Meanwhile, she meets Laura's paraplegic brother Pedro San Antón (Carlos Areces) and they fall in love with each other. I like brainless spoof movies and I had great expectations of laughing a lot with "Spanish Movie" since I have watched most of the movies used as reference, such as, "El Orfanato" ("The Orphanage"); "Mar Adentro" ("The Sea Inside"); "Abre los Ojos" ("Open Your Eyes"); "The Others" ; "El laberinto del fauno" (Pan's Labyrinth"); and (REC). These movies are Spanish or directed by Spanish directors. Unfortunately "Spanish Movie" is unfunny and even boring and does not satisfy the fans of this genre. The conclusion with the spoof of "Superman" is totally out of the context. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "Todo Mundo Hispânico" ("Everybody Hispanic")

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This had some really good funny moment, I loved the way the movie stated, i Thought it was very funny and I was laughing a lot at the start,There are some really good funny jokes that work really well throughout the movie and most of the jokes due floor flat and now and again. The main spoof was The Orphanage/Others and some others movies Spain and US. I did enjoy the REC spoof was really nice to see but Little of Scary movie feel to it'' Not on of the best spoof of seen but no were near as bad disaster movieThis one is a worth watching spoof! 4 out of 10

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I've watched this pure junk a few hours ago, first desperately looking forward into something to laugh at but after the first 10 minutes I couldn't wait for it to end. It was an absolute torture, there were about 2 or 3 funny lines during the movie, do not waste your time or money (god forbid) on this.Do not get me wrong, I love well produced and fun spoofs, but this is absolutely out of Scary Movies or Not Another Teen Movie's league. It is just another addition to the obvious failures like Meet the Spartans, Date and Disaster Movies. Giving it 2 instead of 1 for an effort.

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