Ruby Jean and Joe
Ruby Jean and Joe
| 01 January 1996 (USA)
Ruby Jean and Joe Trailers

In a tale set in the rough and tumble world of professional rodeo, an over-the-hill former champion broncobuster and a young hitchhiker develop a special friendship.


As this movie began I saw the crystal clear colour, sharp focus, and Western setting, and was about to turn it off. Then the young hitch-hiker appeared and I thought. "Oh no! Cutesy-pooh-made-for-TV family schmaltz," but, I was home, sick, on the sofa, and Tom Selleck's usually worth watching so.... The movie hadn't got very far before I realised that I was watching something pretty extraordinary. It was a movie that was inviting me to think, to think about what it means to be a man, and and in particular, a strong man who is facing the alien world of age and declining powers. Tom Selleck's performance showed, to me, a man who, through his relationship with the girl (great actress by the way!) learnt something about life, and drew strength and comfort from the knowledge, whilst she drew greater strength and understanding of the world as a result of being treated like an adult for the first time. If a really cheesy director had been in charge, I can see these words rolling across the screen at the end: "Old age hath yet his honour and his toil; Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods." (Tennyson)

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I really enjoyed this movie. Apart from the very brief nude sequence it was a quality film. I enjoyed seeing Tom Selleck in something different and I agree with the other comment in here that Rebekah Johnson should have gotten more roles. She was great. The story was believable, and I was touched at Tom Selleck's playing of his part. Quite a few sequences were also not unrealistic in the situation of the older man and a young girl combination; and I can't help feeling the movie would have had a more family rating without the very small nude scene I mentioned earlier. Good to see some known faces in the movie apart from Tom Selleck as well. I recommend this movie to anyone who gets the opportunity to view it. Maybe one day it might be available in DVD, that would be great also.

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This is a simple, endearing film that really hits home. Most people have been at an important crossroads at least once in their lives and know what it means to have someone there whose love can help you make decisions that might be harder, but in the long run, will be easier to live with. Everyone feels like Joe does in this film at least once in a lifetime. If we could all have a Ruby Jean in our lives, the world would be a better place. At first, you might think that the girl who plays Ruby Jean is doing a terrible acting job, but by the end of the film, you'll realize she was perfect for what they were trying to accomplish with the character. She's innocuous, intelligent, pure, and effervescent; and what appears to be a haphazard approach turns out to be perfect. Also, this might be my favorite Selleck role, and I've seen most of his films. He has moments of total perfection, particularly the scene where Ruby Jean confronts him about his drinking and the scene where he finally puts his roping horse out to pasture -- understated and elegant acting.

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I was very moved by this movie as I could really relate with Tom Selleck's character. It was very true to life to me as I have been in a similar situation caring so much for a younger girl who was also a best friend and having everyone misunderstand the relationship as the JoBeth Williams character (Rose) and others did in the movie. I really felt sorry for Joe and Ruby Jean knowing how it feels to have people with overimaginations and dirty minds try to turn a wonderful relationship into something that it isn't. The movie hit home and brought me to tears and I very rarely have a movie do that.

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