The Terminal
The Terminal
PG-13 | 17 June 2004 (USA)
The Terminal Trailers

An Eastern European tourist unexpectedly finds himself stranded in JFK airport, and must take up temporary residence there.


Although the premise of this film is slightly ridiculous and it's full of completely unrealistic situations, it remains a very entertaining watch. Steven Spielberg brings his typical blend of great plot, pacing, characterisation and moments of emotion that will have you cringing in your seat. It's the kind of film that forces you into a good mood and you can't help liking it despite the flaws. The film really displays what a versatile actor Tom hanks really is. Although slightly annoying a times he pulls of the role decently. The simplicity of the story, the interesting range of characters and quirky moments are what really makes this film.

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I watched this again recently with my 16yr old son, who enjoyed it he was laughing and smiling throughout. I explained to him this is based on a trued story of Merhan Nasseri who lived in Frances main airport for 18 years which in itself is remarkable. I've seen a few negative reviews on this movie and personally I don't see why. They made the movie their own and in a comedic style and for me they pulled it off, yes of course you have to suspend belief with the likes of Zeta Jones who looks stunning in this falling for Viktor (Hanks) I mean would Zeta Jones fall for a much older guy in real life.....oh waitHers is a tragic character and I dare say there is some woman who are like that, keep falling for the wrong guy and keep going back for more. The other sad character was played by Diego Luna stalking, yes lets be fair stalking Zoe Saldana and getting Viktor to get info from her then eventually presenting her with a ring. She still had no idea who was interested in her c'mon this is really where you have to suspend belief.Give this movie a go it's up there with "Catch me if you can" another Spielberg/Hanks movie as an easy watch that is quite charming and sweeps you up.

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How did the screenwriter of the film think about creating a story within the airport terminal? Especially, the international airport is a place where people feel a little bit more excited about going abroad or coming from abroad.There are many shops in the duty-free area of the airport terminal and many people work from early morning until late. There are also police, customs, airlines, banks and so on. That is to say, it feels like a big city. There are also huge commercial aircraft that are worth seeing.In addition, people of small countries who can not speak English, a little love story, New York jazz bar and so on.It is a film that makes the viewer smile consistently. This film is a perfect match for a family with a comfortable winter evening.PS: Thanks for reading. Please understand that my English is not good. ^

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Just One word to describe movie . awesome and Must Watch. Best Movie ever. Tom Hanks acts effortlessly and you are going to fell in love with him. All characters has played their part exceptionally well. Simple yet powerful. Each scene in movie is so loving. So do watch this movie and enjoy.

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