Rowdy Ann
Rowdy Ann
| 24 May 1919 (USA)
Rowdy Ann Trailers

Ann is one tough cowgirl. After she beats up Hank, her parents send her East to college, hoping she'll come back a lady.


Fay Tinscher plays one of the first women Western Cowgirls - & she is all of that. She rounds up cattle, lasso's dad & drags him out of the saloon, beats up a romeo trying to hit on her. She is as Rowdy as they come. If you look carefully at the folks in the saloon scene, you will note a fully mustached Walter Brennan among the patrons though I don't see him listed in the cast here on IMDb yet. Someone should check as I am positive it is Walter though the role is a very short cameo.Dad decides after Ann beats up the romeo it is time to send her to college to be rounded into a woman. So the whole town sends her off on the train. On the way on the train she see a scoundrel cheating at poker. Then she is accosted by a train conductor who is mumbling sweet nothings to her in the wrong berth as he means the words for someone else.Then at the University of North Dakota (if you can believe the pennant on the wall), Rowdy Ann starts all kinds of chaos. The pinnacle of the plot is when one of her roommates is engaged to the cad she saw cheating at poker on the train. Ann stops the elopement & lassos the bad guy, & the cops show up to take him in.This is a very brassy look at a woman who is really almost one of the guys. Fay does it well, & it plays as well as any Western made in the period. It features the crazy kind of gun play that all the movies had then.

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This silent comedy short is about a rough and tumble tomboy who lives in the West. She can rope cattle, ride horses and box with the fellas---and all this disturbs her parents. So, they ship her back East to go to college and hope that this will refine her and turn her into a lady. On the way, she meets and beats up a card cheat on the train.Once at school, it's rough going for Ann at first--and the film shows a few of her adventures at school. However, over time her rough edges disappear and she becomes just one of the girls. That is until her friend says she's running off to marry her dream-boy. It turns out this guy is the card cheat from earlier in the film, but the friend doesn't believe Ann when she is told. So, it's up to the old rough and ready Ann to come to the rescue--hog-tying and exposing the cheat for who he really is! All in all, it's a cute film that tells an entire story so its plotting is a definite asset. While far from the funniest film of its day, it is significantly better than average--even better than some of Chaplin's films of the time.

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Snow Leopard

While it's really just an extended elaboration of a single idea, this works all right, and while there are few really funny bits, it's interesting and often amusing. The story stars Fay Tincher as "Rowdy Ann", the rough, adventurous daughter of a rancher. That's really all that it's about - most of the story line and settings are simply contrived to show what a tough customer Ann is, and how hard her father finds it to refine her. But most of it works well enough, and some of the sequences make for an amusing contrast between Ann and her surroundings.Tincher herself is pretty good as Ann, exaggerating the character enough to be funny, without going too far overboard most of the time. The other characters are there mostly to provide her with foils, so for the most part she has to carry the show herself. There's not a lot of material to work with, but it's enough to provide for some good moments, and it's worth seeing.

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