| 13 April 1955 (USA)
Rififi Trailers

Out of prison after a five-year stretch, jewel thief Tony turns down a quick job his friend Jo offers him, until he discovers that his old girlfriend Mado has become the lover of local gangster Pierre Grutter during Tony's absence. Expanding a minor smash-and-grab into a full-scale jewel heist, Tony and his crew appear to get away clean, but their actions after the job is completed threaten the lives of everyone involved.


The word "rififi" is a French, military term meaning "combat zone". Following its frequent use during WW2 it soon became used as slang, referring to a "rumble or conflict amongst men". And, yes, in this here 1955 movie there is certainly plenty of conflict going on. Indeed.Filmed in b&w - This 63-year-old, low-budget, French crime-drama had its good moments, as well as its not-so-good moments. Personally, I think that there were some really bad choices made in the casting of Rififi's six main characters.Set in Paris, France - This film's significance in movie-making history marks it as director, Jules Dassin's first foreign film following his blacklisting (and the ruin of his career) in Hollywood.

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Shawn Watson

A group of professionals with their own unique skill sets assemble in Paris to pull of a big heist only for the plan to fall apart when one of them betrays the team for their own selfish desires. Sound familiar? It should, it is a LOT like Ronin. I have no doubt that Frankenheimer and Mamet took a lot of inspiration from this movie 43 years down the line. I think I even recognized some of the locations.62 years is a life time in Metropolitan terms, and the Paris you see in Rififi is far, far removed from the litter-strewn, graffiti covered, overcrowded dump of a city that exists today. For this alone it is worth a watch but the slow burn of the group coming together, meticulously planning their heist, and the 32-minute silence of the heist itself is extremely suspenseful stuff. It loses a little in the final act though, which I do believe could have been about 8 minutes tighter.Jules Dassin made Rififi after being exiled from the US and blacklisted as a Communist (they were not ALL "good old days") and the movie is as masterfully executed as the heist it portrays, which is kind of odd as Dassin's own character in the movie is the reason why it goes sour. The moody black and white photography, real world streets, noir atmosphere make the film a classic in its own right. It's just a shame that not many people would give a chance due to being subtitled.

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I won't be able to add anything that hasn't already been reviewed on this site about this fabulous French movie. It's simply one-of-a-kind genius. On the cutting-edge level of "Citizen Kane", "The Godfather", and "Toy Story" as those once-in-a-generation genre-changers that every movie following wants to copy but never realizes the magic of the first time. When a movie is BANNED in countries around the globe (not censored but actually blocked from import) not because of violence or nudity, but because it is being used as a blueprint for real crime... One word: W-O-W.The movie was filmed in the mid-1950s as gangster noire so the setting is perfectly gritty and distinctly Parisian of the era. When we aren't seeing the setup for the heist or the heist itself, the story drags at times and has a touch of overacting. However, all of that is forgiven for the monumental originality in the hands of a master director. It's a shame he was blacklisted in America. What a waste of true talent. I'm thankful the French saw the genius behind the lens.This is one I've added to my collection on a recommendation from an article recently. I am soooo happy I bought it. It's also a movie I have loaned out since my first viewing simply because I want to show friends how a historically awesome film sequence can not only be seen and enjoyed, but marvel at the stunning visuals playing out before their eyes. This movie is a feast for the eyes, ears and soul. I loved this movie and cannot rank it higher than 10. Please watch the heist sequence. You've never seen anything like it and never will again. 11 out of 10.

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Tony Stephanois, just out of prison and angry at his girl Mado's infidelity, decides to join his pals Jo and Mario in an ambitious crime. With Italian safe expert Cesar, they meticulously plan the burglary of a large jewelry establishment.This film is probably best known for two things: one, the half hour heist sequence that has absolutely no dialogue and no music, just the sounds of the men at work. Which is, by the way, wonderfully brilliant. And two, the fact the director was American but was working in France because he was targeted as part of the Hollywood blacklist.This is a great film. Obviously not the first film noir, not by a long shot, but clearly influential on future crime movies. Was "Ocean's 11" inspired by this film? Maybe, maybe not, but it seems like the two could be brothers.

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