Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
NR | 30 September 2008 (USA)
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One year after running away from home, Nicole and Jesse are still missing. When Jesse's brother, Tom, returns home from active duty, he sets out with his friends Marilyn and Jared to locate the lost couple. Their search leads them to the stretch of old highway with a mysterious Rest Stop, where they find themselves in the same predicament as Nicole and Jesse: confronting a madman.

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After finding the first Rest Stop film to be a surprisingly gripping Horror,I was pleased to find out that a sequel had been made,which led to me,once again taking a turn for the rest stop.The plot:Since his brother Jesse and his girlfriend Nicole have been missing for a year, Tom Hilts,his girlfriend Marilyn and Hilts friend Jared decide to go in search for Nicole & Jesse.During their search,Hilts and Marilyn try to sleep in a motel room. Interrupting their sleep,a stranger in a yellow truck blares his lights at their motel windows.Rushing out,Hilts discovers that the truck has mysteriously disappeared.Trying to gain details of Nicole & Jesse last known location,the gang visit the lone garage in town,where the owner tells them that he warned the couple to turn back.Driving off to find Nicole and Jesse,Hilts,Marilyn and Jared soon discover that they are on the same road of death as Jesse & Nicole.View on the film:Returning to the rest stop,the screenplay by returning writer John Shiban gives the title an ill-fitting comedic bite,as Shiban wounds any tension that he builds by undercutting it with gross-out comedy. Attempting to build a mythology out of the films,Shiban runs over any tension built in Hilts,Marilyn and Jared's search for the truth,by taking the movie in a dazed and confused supernatural Horror direction,which leads to a left-field ending which completely goes against everything that the film has been building towards.

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Thanos Karagioras

"Rest Stop: Don't Look Back" is a horror movie and is the sequel of the "Rest Stop" movie of 2006 and I think that it was a really worse movie than the first.In this movie we have the brother of Jesse who is looking for him and in his quest he captured from the same maniac serial killer who we have in the first movie.I believe that this sequel it was a disaster and it demolished everything that the first movie built even though there was few. Finally I believe that one movie it was nice why they have to repeat it and make it worse...

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I love B horror films, they're among m favorite sub-genre, but that being said...Tom, on leave from the Army, goes to find out who killed his sister and her boyfriend (as told in the superior yet merely watchable first Rest Stop film) The original was incredibly clichéd and unoriginal, but it went about its task we'll enough. Part duex can't even do that right. The story is wildly disjointed and not entertaining in the least bit. I couldn't bring myself giving a toss about any of these morons and thus was not invested in any part of the film, which seemed to drag on forever.Eye Candy: Jessie Ward gets briefly topless My Grade: D-

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To say that this movie was not as good as the first and then say not bad, indicates that the first had some redeeming value to it all. Let me assure you. This one is better then the first, but thats like saying poo w/ peanuts is better then plain poo.It is completely predictable and the characters are about as likable as a string of small pox. Making the same stoopid mistakes that horror characters have done for the past 50 years. You would think that given the fact that this movie happens in present day the characters would at least acknowledge.."Hey we are dealing with spooky bad people. What happens to people who take they're eyes off the ghost or when we send someone to get something, by themselves? oh right....we get effed real good." Its bad enough that these characters are complete underdogs in this flick. At least try and make it interesting by having them make educated choices. At least make the lopsided fight somewhat interesting. Nope not this poop with peanuts of a movie. There is so much more to get into with this 88 minute waste of time. I just feel as though if I spend any more time on it then the "Driver" has claimed too much of my life as well.My rating for this flick....I give it an "A-holes" Means avoid this movie. If you have to choose between this and Wrong Turn 2...go with Wrong Turn 2. At least then you get Corn and Peanuts.

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