ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
R | 02 March 2008 (USA)
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Trailers

Guided by identical twin demon spirits, The Black Angels of Hell, we see the diabolical depiction of the alternate-parallel dimension of the simultaneous suicide deaths of Kurt Cobain and bulimic porn star Angela Aberdeen, as seen through the mental activity of Angela's journey toward brain death as a result of her self-inflicted death by drowning.


ReGOREgitated Sacrifice (2008) ** (out of 4) This follow-up to SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS is pretty much more of the same but as SCREAM 2 explained, a sequel must go much further and that's pretty much what happens here. Normally I'd talk about the plot but there's really no point here. Twins hold a woman hostage and torture her. Various other pits of disgusting horror happens.That's pretty much all you need to know about this film from director Lucifer Valentine. He basically made the "vomit/gore" genre, which is exactly what it sounds like. This film clocks in at just 65-minutes but there's no question that the director succeeded in what he was trying to do and that was to repulse people.The first film featured a lot of women making themselves puke and that happens here too, although it is taken to a different level. Pretty much women puke on each other, there's a woman who drinks her pee and then pukes it up and there are more brutal horror elements as well. This includes one woman who is ripped apart with some realistic gore effects.REGOREGITATED SACRIFICE is impossible to recommend to anyone since it's really only going to appeal to a very limited number of people. I personally found it to be repulsive but then again I don't get any entertaining out of watching people puke.

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Have you ever seen a movie so terrible you just think to yourself "this is the kind of thing burzum fanboys would watch", that's basically it.Even the title sounds like a bad brutal death metal or goregrind song. I can't believe I sat through that whole thing, it wasn't only disgusting, but just like the rest of the vomit gore trilogy, it was terribly made. I can't even give it points for creativity, I've learned from awful grind and death metal bands that any misogynist with a disgusting mind can come up with ideas like making somebody gag on their own intestines.

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Toshio Nakamura

The only thing in this movie that made me sick was the constant moving, shaking and flickering of the camera.Basically, any no-talent hack can make such a film. All you need is a rented camera (don't worry about quality as it will be wildly spinning about non-stop anyways), some redneck pals with a couple of chubby, slutty girlfriends / sisters / cousins, a few gallons of stage blood and a quick trip to the supermarket for some assorted offal. Get everyone tanked up on JD and Budweiser and it's in the can, so to speak.I voted 4 out of 10, as I enjoy watching slutty girls slithering around in fake blood. =^.^=

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Of all the objectionable imagery I have subjected myself to over the years, a bearded guy in scary face paint, smeared all over with blood, wearing a dead octopus on his noggin, and repeatedly puking into the skull cavity of a decapitated head has got to be a contender for 'most nauseating'. The amazing thing is, this scene from Lucifer Valentine's ReGOREgitated Sacrifice is just one of many in this film that could easily qualify for a place in my 'Top Ten Most Repulsive Moments in Movies' list!!The second film in Valentine's 'Vomit Gore' trilogy, ReGOREgitated Sacrifice is a relentless assault on the senses, an intense barrage of horrific avant garde imagery and sound designed to offend and disgust, and, unlike his first attempt, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, it didn't bore the hell out of me with its repetitiveness and dreary pace. Although elements from the first film are re utilised (most notably, forced vomiting), ReGOREgitated Sacrifice isn't just the same thing over and over again ad nauseum: Valentine ups the ante with each outrageous scene, daring the viewer to stay with him to the bitter end.It's a far from pleasant journey (with plenty of very impressively bloody prosthetics work to make matters all the more uncomfortable) and I haven't a clue what message Valentine is trying to convey (I had fun trying to understand, but any intended 'depth' was ultimately wasted on me), but it is a strangely compelling ride, a gruelling test for anyone who claims to have seen it all.

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