Proof of the Devil
Proof of the Devil
NR | 25 September 2015 (USA)
Proof of the Devil Trailers

Based on true events. 18-year old Jesse Winters, also know as The Butcher, was put to death in Louisiana for committing 23 grisly murders. There was no doubt that he was killer, the question was why? His mother, Kate, claimed that Jesse was possessed by a demon that drove him to fiendish brutality. Now, for the first time on film, Kate will attempt to prove her theories and clear her son’s name by inviting a demon to invade her body.


A woman decides she is going to prove possession is real by summoning a demon and becoming possessed by it, all to prove her son is not a psychotic killer.This film is awful, I wasn't sure whether it's supposed to be some kind of black comedy because it is laughable. The plot is okay but the acting and possession scenes are ridiculous. The demon talking through the woman are just plain silly. I don't know what else to say!!

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Nigel P

Lisa Mackel Smith plays Kate Winters, a mother determined to prove that her murderous son was under demonic possession and not, as the authorities believe, suffering any kind of mental disorder. To do this, she hires a small documentary crew (Stu and Eddie and poor silent Joey) to film her as she submits to voluntary demonic possession herself. After some risible scenes as the spell (by a demon called The Butcher – identical to the name given to the evil that took hold of Jessie, Kate's son) takes hold, strange (but familiar to horror films), events start to occur. All the food in the house goes bad, relations between the documentary crew, Kate, her nurse and psychiatrist become antagonistic. And yet, apart from becoming more lurid and vulgar, none of the possessions – and there's more than one - don't progress in a way that ramps up much in the way of tension.This is a not-so-distant cousin of other found-footage films, especially 'The Last Exorcism (2013)' – in fact, one character mentions its similarity to 'Paranormal Activity (2010)'. Despite the efforts of the cast, however, it simply isn't frightening. The ending, which piles proclamation after proclamation (often through a voice filter that makes it difficult to understand The Butcher's words) just serves to muddy the waters and drags on far too long to remain suspenseful.Well intentioned, and not without merit, this is nevertheless far from greatness.

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I created my IMDb account with the sole intention of reviewing this film. It is without doubt the worst film I've ever seen. Everything from the script, to the acting, production values, sound effects, camera work, literally everything, reminds me of something a high school student would turn in as a homework project. It is really low quality, cringe worthy, amateur stuff. If I could give it zero stars I would. Some of the acting is laughable, to the point where almost feels like a comedy parody of a horror film. There is a point where it feels like it could turn into a bit of a Paranormal Activity rip-off, but it never happens.The best thing about this film is that it is only about an hour and ten minutes long, so it's over relatively quickly.

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I'm struggling to find something positive to say about this movie..Proof of the Devil is nothing but a cash-in on the horror fad. The acting is a bit weak. The characters are exactly what you'd expect. It uses the cheapest tricks in the book to try to startle you, but not well enough to achieve it. It doesn't catch an atmosphere. Nothing visually pleasing about it either. Well, I admit Kate, played by Lisa Mackel Smith, is pretty if you like older women.It's just a copy of a story you've seen a million times before, most notably in The Last Exorcism. It adds nothing new.If you're tempted to watch this I'd recommend you watch the Last Exorcism instead. Or if you've seen that already watch Noroi. There's nothing to see here even (or especially) for a horror junkie

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