Outpost: Black Sun
Outpost: Black Sun
| 25 April 2012 (USA)
Outpost: Black Sun Trailers

A pair of investigators team up with a Special Forces Unit to venture deep inside a war raging between the military and a massive army of Nazi Zombie Stormtroopers. Their mission is to fight their way behind enemy lines, locate the technology at the source of this growing threat and prevent the seemingly inevitable rise of the 4th Reich.


I was looking forward to watching OUTPOST: BLACK SUN, having enjoyed the first film and being a fan of Nazi zombie films in general. However, this sequel appears to have been shot by a crew without much talent, because it's generally a mess, and a poorly-shot mess at that.The story begins promisingly as a young woman tracks down an old Nazi in Paraguay. It's great to see the veteran Michael Byrne in this minor role. However, things start slipping when she gets teamed up with an obnoxious researcher (Richard Coyle, sporting an American accent) and a team of grunts to go and investigate another Nazi menace.What this all boils down to is lots of shaky cam work as the characters run around, kill, and are killed by Nazi zombies. The villains are pretty weak here, indistinguishable from loads of other movies, and the characters are paper thin. Everything has been shot in the dark, and clumsily with it, which means the action is no better than something you'd see in the ultra low budget likes of THE ZOMBIE DIARIES: WORLD OF THE DEAD and its ilk. What could have been a strong and terrifying supernatural-themed movie turns out to be badly shot, badly scripted, and completely forgettable to boot.

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I'd like to use this opportunity to remind the Marxists and liberals among you that the term "Nazi" is only short for "national-socialist", i.e. the only ideological and practical aspect that essentially separates Nazi lunacy from Communist idiocy are the concepts of racial purity i.e. rabid nationalism: the other garbage is pretty much the same. Just needed to mention that.I guess they figured they'd make more money with the sequel if they included a female this time around. The first "Outpost" movie was all-male, which made it less appealing, and I thank them for bringing the gorgeous Catherine Steadman into the fray. She's sort of the Natalie Portman type, only much prettier and a far better actress (which admittedly isn't difficult). I also thank them for not turning her character into some mindless lara-croftian uber-female who kills Nazombies with the ease of a skinny gun-waving supermodel having her period. Quite to the contrary, her character is quite naïve and even somewhat incompetent, though she does prove to have above-human powers by actually surviving a shot through the chest at point-blank – without immediate medical aid; more on that nonsense later.What I'd like to know is why the Nazombies (Nazi zombies, for those of you who still haven't figured it out) don't use their odor to kill the enemy. These undead goofballs have been wearing the same uniforms for nearly 70 years, and because I have a hunch that zombies don't wash their clothes – ever – I suggest that next time they should try torturing and maiming NATO and UN troops by scent alone. There was a huge magnetic-field-disseminating/whatever-the-hell machine, but no WASHING machine anywhere in sight in that large bunker. The stench alone should have had Steadman ill for hours, vomiting up her last 15 breakfasts. One swift rising of the armpit by a Nazombie would have had a whole NATO battalion writhing in agony. (Of course, in this scenario the NATO soldiers would have glued to their nostrils together by sticking clothes pegs, but that would result in too much hilarity for this "serious" movie.) The plot is so silly that the "History Channel" should find plenty of ideas here for the next season of "Ancient Aliens". The film's ridiculous over-the-top quasi-advanced-aliens super-machine should be right up their alley. The movie ends with a lot of frankly unnecessary pomp, reminiscent of (i.e. ripping off) "The Raiders of the Lost Ark" and even "Return of the Jedi".I have never understood the moronic tendency in these Nazombie flicks to make the Nazombie commander more intelligent than the other Nazombies. A zombie is a zombie, right? They're pretty much a classless lot, fulfilling the old Marxist dream of total equality. Or not. I know this is just horror-film fluff, but it's a bit silly that this zombie-manufacturing machine would actually live more brain-cells in the heads of commanders, while leaving the privates and other lower-ranked Nazombies as dumb as watermelons. If the Nazombie regulars have an IQ of 16, that should leave a top boss like Klausner with an IQ of 23; but all this means is that Klausner should take an hour less to tie his boots – hardly the skills of a leader. Even sillier, Klausner's face is the only Nazombie mug that has stayed intact, i.e. he pretty much still looks like his old human self, whereas all the other (low-ranked) Nazombies look almost exactly alike. Very silly indeed.I can't decide whether a giggling Nazombie witch waving an injection around gives the film a note of originality or merely renders it even more ridiculous. You be the judge. One thing I do know though: the ending IS laughable. Once Coyle (stupidly cast as an American, with a goofy fake accent, as if there is such a thing as a shortage of American actors!) double-crosses Steadman, things get extremely stupid. It gets dumber in the last scene, when Coyle and Steadman declare war on each other like two snotty kids. (Which means that this brunette girly yet AGAIN chases after an international mastermind criminal ALONE, without the help of professional institutions such as CIA that actually do know what the hell they're doing.) The producers were hell-bent on doing more sequels, and they wanted to make sure we knew. Thank you for letting me know, movie – for letting me know that the sequel will be even DUMBER so that I can avoid watching it. (Unless Steadman is in it again; then I'll think about it.)Kosovo isn't located on planet Zong hence hasn't got only two colors, you know – as this movie might mislead you to believe. But that's the problem with these modern films: directors nowadays seem to think that depressing-looking mono-colour visuals make for a dazzling cinematic experience. Hello CGI, goodbye colour. What the hell?

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Donald Buehler

. . . . than anyone would like this movie. Only two positives: Opening scene with Lena chasing Nazis & the "way cool" automatic machine guns the troopers were using. Everything else sucked!!!! Well, the Nazi zombies were pretty cool, but all the roaring reminded me of my Beagle barking continuously - very irritating.Basically this movie made me not care. It was boring, and at the end I just wanted it to be over. Thanks heavens I only paid $1 to rent it & even then I think I got screwed.Long periods of time where nothing happened - maybe I fell asleep - I certainly hope so.Actually I made a mistake when I rented it - I saw an advertisement for another movie - Outpost War in Hell & I thought why not see this one first? I may still rent the first one. But I doubt it.It made me sick to see the original Dawn of the Dead (Monroeville Mall) mentioned in the same breath as this clunker. Stay away - stay very far away. DonB

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OUTPOST: BLACK SUN I didn't think I would enjoy this one. It reeked of straight to video and I'm not a fan of 'modern day Nazi zombies on the loose' franchises, of which (this may just be my imagination) there seem to be many.However, this sequel to 2008's original 'Outpost' was a lot of fun. The gloomy, surreal, fairytale woodland setting and the well-utilised Nazi zombies (who also made an appearance on stage and scared families and tourists away from a visit to London ever again by patrolling outside the cinema for a while), were mostly hidden in shadow, and ensured the film remained a genuinely creepy experience. The battle scenes were well portrayed and the acting was fine and funny in the right moments.There were some well-realised special effects of mad scientist Nazi death rays and the electric blue detonation where the sound went muffled, like we had all been deafened, had me worried for a few moments - a nice touch.Great setup for a sequel. I may even be watching! mark gordon palmer

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