Our Paradise
Our Paradise
| 28 September 2011 (USA)
Our Paradise Trailers

Vassili is an aged prostitute with killer instincts. He finds an unconscious young man in the Forest of Boulogne and takes him home. Now lovers and accomplices, the two men become a couple in prostitution and steal from their clients. And yet, menaces of retaliation leave the couple with no choice but to escape from Paris. The runaway begins...

Movie Critic

The movie is a downer...the first scene with the older man doing the exaggerated stereotypical movements of a gay fluttering his hands and so forth (what straight audiences from the 50s think gay men do with their hands etc...) disabused me of much hope for an enjoyable experience in watching the movie. Then when Rideau strangles him I thought oh no this is another depressing movie about gays.Rideau at 35 is a looker named Vasselli (the only reason I continued to watch this thing)--he is a hustler hooker and hooks up with an anorexic 25? year old Durdaine (Angelo) and they proceed to travel around beating up and killing mostly pot bellied naked some what kinky middle/older aged men. These men usually hire them for 3 ways (one of them put a gas mask on Rideau while having Durdaine use a dildo on him). This last unfortunate gets his head smashed with a rock after putting a live rat on a naked Durdaine's buttocks. Rideau as Vasselli does all the killing Durdaine as Angelo his anorexic side kick merely looks on admonishing not to do it again. About this time it occurred to me that Vasselli's name might be a play on Vaseline--surely not! I also kept thinking where are the flics (cops)? Angelo steals money out of a (presumably camera equipped) ATM..they are spotted in a gay bar.Then we cut to a seamy heterosexual part of the movie. For the vast majority of gay men it is a complete downer to have the gay "heros" be bisexual. But by this time after a couple smashed skulls and strangled clients I cared nothing for the main characters in this film. This new sex angle female character is strange looking and works in a bar doing a magicians act she has a biracial 10 year old boy. Here the story explores the smothering mother angle as real cause of gay life (so insulting to gays). The boys name is Vasselli so we have to assume this is a quasi flashback telling us what warped Rideau as a child---things like having his mother give him too affectionate baths and so forth. Another typical negative stereotype.The movie ends when the little boy watches his mother having Rideau and Durdaine plug her from both sides at the same time with lots of moans--(there is a soft porn side to this film lots of male nudity and sex scenes.) The kid saw Rideau kill the 2 men in the house they are staying in and he thinks they are killing his mother. He runs outside and tells a passing motorist about it leading to the gendarmes putting these serial killers out of business.I was going to give the thing a 3 then thought of the bisexual sandwich scene and gave it a 2. Then I thought of the walk away message of gays as serial killers all caused by a smothering mother and gave it a 1.Again there is nothing redeeming about the movie if you are gay it is particularly distasteful. Avoid Evitez.DO NOT RECOMMEND

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SPOILERS Pretty violent beginning. Aging male prostitute Vassili (Stephane Rideau) commits a murder, then goes back out on the street, where he meets the much-younger Angelo. Dimitri Durdaine is "Angelo', who has just been beaten up and left in the bushes. Vassili brings Angelo home and looks after him, but then the story gets very dark. Vassili has anger issues, and it always leads to violence. The apartment is dark. The night is dark. But they both can't decide what they really want. Other people (guys and girls) come and go, and they talk about breaking up but they don't. They stick together; it gets even more violent. I get it that the business of prostitution probably DOES come with a certain amount of violence and danger, but this really was more violence than I needed to see. Right at the halfway mark, we are introduced to a mom and little boy, and the story kind of takes a left turn. The girl seems to be Vassili's old friend? wife? I liked the meandering storyline, but this would have been so much better without all the violence. One complaint I have was the translation for the French language. they left many details un-translated. unless you know some francais, you will miss a few things here and there. Written and directed by Gael Morel. I have seen and loved some of his earlier films. Elements of the film were great, but there's just WAY too much violence in this one for me. Beautiful scenes of France, both in the city and in the countryside.

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This film is Hitchcock from beginning to end but with a French twist to give it an extra bit of fizz. The ending, however, was a misfire and since I am a writer myself I wrote an alternative ending which works for me and I think would work for the film. My ending is about love - the four men involved fall for each other and live happily ever after. The real ending is as Hollywood as Hollywood can get and for a French film that is a bit odd. Still, the more I think about the film the more I am really taken by how strong the characters are and how difficult their circumstances. Let's face it, we all see rough times, even dark times, and the two leads in this film are thrown into some pretty choppy seas.

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OK, a gay-entered crime story involving aging prostitute and gorgeous young hustler is refreshingly different BUT you gotta hate this psychotic serial killer and his beautiful boyfriend despite efforts to make this tragedy a storybook love story. I wanted to see these guys get what was coming to them in the worst damn way, but the ending is both confusing and disappointing. Did the cute couple kill the young boy's mother or were those sounds of passion the boy heard? It seems no one lived happily ever after in PARADISE.The hustling, prostitution, and violence in this movie pretty much accurately reflects the real deal in the male sex trade all over the world. The acting is good but the story does not reveal what motivates the killer to kill without hesitation or guilt. Was he raped or abused as a child? The story lacks depth to help us understand what's going on with this lunatic.The editing is also jarring. When the action jumps to the French woman and her kid I wasn't sure if this was the same movie or some faulty videotaping. The abrupt ending makes the movie seem incomplete.

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