Our Own
Our Own
| 22 June 2004 (USA)
Our Own Trailers

It is August 1941. With the battle line far away in the east, three soldiers who have managed to escape from captivity find it difficult to hide: the territory is occupied by the enemy. The local woods are not safe: you can easily get embogged. Are the villagers loyal? Nobody can say. There is an old man who offers to help them. Is he reliable enough? He may kill them or report them to the local German authorities. Anything may happen, but one of them, the sniper, is his son who is his youngest, his dearest.


a Russian war film. or, only, a Russian film. impressive script, admirable acting. and profound role of landscapes images. a movie like a rope. nuances of duty and love, communism and life under occupation, about chance, fear, cruelty and sacrifice, about profound image of reality in a village and splendid eulogy to basic values. so, a film about wars. each detail, each side of violence, the construction of dialogs and the waters of faces are important because , more than a story it is a picture about sense of small gestures,moral force in dark times. as many others movies of genre from Russia, using a noble tradition, it is a Christian movie and, in same measure, reconquest of past events in a new and clear light.

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Lee Eisenberg

Dmitri Meskhiev's "Svoi" (which means "one's own") focuses on the moral dilemma of some Soviet soldiers during WWII. After they escape a POW camp, they end up on a farm. But this farm, while Russian, turns out to be not much different from anything operated by the Nazis. The character Nikolai, due to his manipulative actions, has more control over things than the Nazis do. To Starosta, the Chekist represents the 1930s repression in the USSR. As for why Starosta doesn't kill the man at the end...it's because the man is still one of his OWN (not a German).I certainly recommend this movie. Full comprehension of the plot does require some understanding of Soviet policy during WWII, namely that Stalin vowed to punish the family of any soldier who surrendered to the German army. But anyway, it's a really good movie.

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This is a WWII movie that deals more with the dilemma many people dealt with who lived in areas like Finland, the Baltics, Poland, the Ukraine, etc. Basically, they found themselves sandwiched between two totalitarian regimes. While some obviously saw the Nazis for what they were, to others, the Nazis where seen as liberators from Stalin's repressions. For instance, if your whole family had either been sent off to the gulags or starved to death due to Stalin's collectivization of agriculture, anybody who would free you from the people who perpetrated that sort of evil had to seem like saviors.Best I could tell, the movie takes place either in present day Finland or the Karelia region of Russia. One of the characters in the movie is referred to as a Chekist. To those who may not be polished on their early soviet history, the Cheka was the predecessor of the NKVD. Actually by the 40's, the Cheka had already been incorporated into the NKVD. Anyway, this is an important fact to know to understand the relationship between two of the characters in the movie and why they distrust each other.If you have seen the Finnish film Kukushka and liked it, you will likely also enjoy this film.

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I'm sure 'Svoi' (or whatever it is in English) is the best Russian movie of 2004. Actually i wasn't ready for the impression this film would make on me. 2004 was a great year for the Russian cinematography, we had a lot of good movies but this one seems to be not as commercial and blockbuster-like as many of them. Khabenskiy is becoming a real star cause he is in almost every film shot last year. He's everywhere but i like him and think that it makes him just better as an actor. The very beginning of 'Svoi' is a bit confusing because of shots with the soldier head smashing by the tank. By the way the film is really naturally made. I mean you should be ready for some shocking moments. The movie itself is good because of Stupka, Garmash & Khabenskiy's acting, fantastic music and unusual photography. Watch it and you'll see why it's so good, so Russian.

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