Nude Caboose
Nude Caboose
| 13 September 2006 (USA)
Nude Caboose Trailers

A jovial shirtless man attempts to rouse a contingent of lethargic dancers to life in NUDE CABOOSE. His highjinks really get the deadbeats bustin' out until something unusual catches his eye. Dance floor seduction distilled into a fateful moment!


"Nude Caboose" mainly consists of a chaotic conga line that escalates into a fit of unremittable sexual excitement. Like any Guy Maddin film, it's certainly a weird and surreal experience but, unlike most Guy Maddin films, it falls short of any real worth and, quite frankly, just comes across as robustly ridiculous and oddly perverted. It is only two minutes long, so if you're interested enough it might just be worth watching as a curio for big fans of the filmmaker, but otherwise anyone in their right mind should probably stay away.

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