Nora's Hair Salon
Nora's Hair Salon
| 25 May 2004 (USA)
Nora's Hair Salon Trailers

Welcome to Nora's Hair Salon. Leave your troubles outside and get set for neighborhood drama, juicy gossip, and the occasional knock-down, drag-out fight. Nora runs the place and takes care of her family. Whatever the problem, Nora can make it all right in this feel-good film about life, love and lookin' fine!


This movie is so terrible that I had to purchase it. Are you serious?! Is Bobby Brown REALLY involved? Is Lil' Kim really on the title screen of the DVD as if her 45 seconds could save the film (certainly not without the purple pasties)? The Korean lady was so stereotypical, the only line she missed was "Me suckie-suckie." The gay dudes were ASTONISHINGLY flaming, the plot was super-ridiculous... did I mention that Bobby Brown is involved? This is absolutely one of the worst movies of all time. I cannot imagine watching this film and saying to myself, "This is almost tolerable." To be truthful, the best part of the DVD is the "The Making of" segment, where the Jean-Claude Whatever explains how this film is TRULY great. According to this dude, Jenifer Lewis is a better actress than Angela Bassett. I DEFY you to rent this movie and find out who he says is a better actor than DeNiro, Pacino, and Denzel.

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i was pleasantly surprised at this is well acted, and a great film to is a tribute to the spirit of the common person, who works and toils every day without fail.the actress' are very very believable in their roles, and successfully convey the characters. the story line is well conceived, and portrayed. everyone knows a nora, and can relate to her.i highly recommend this film to everyone who wants good clean comedic entertainment, along with a very good story about the human spirit, of the common people.

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This was the best movie that I have seen lately!!!!! The cast is so funny, and I love the characters that were portrayed. My favorite was Ming, the manicurist who wasn't afraid to speak her mind. I also loved Clo, and her crazy starstruck ways. My favorite part was when her niece told her about Levon(?) and then Clo tried to burn him with the hot comb. I also loved the part on Nora's birthday when Xenobia took her down to the strip club to have fun, and Ming was on stage with all of them. My least favorite part was at the end when she had the severe heart attack. I would recommend this movie to anyone, whether you are renting it or buying it!!!!!

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Kenneth Anderson

It doesn't seem possible but someone actually made an unfunny film with Jenifer Lewis! I came to 'Nora's Hair Salon' after seeing Lewis in the howling funny 'Jackie's Back,' hoping to see more of her expert comic timing and one-of-a-kind line deliveries. She is a true under-appreciated talent and the thought of her playing the owner of a Los Angeles beauty salon (a female version of 'Barbershop' I assumed) seemed a sure fire hit.Well I couldn't have been more wrong. It was somebody's bright idea to cast Lewis in a 'heartwarming' role playing nursemaid to a bunch of hairdressers who are given the lion share of so-called funny lines. Jenifer Lewis is essentially the straight man to a small troupe of painfully untalented actors representing the employees of her hair salon.What was the director thinking? To take the most talented member of the cast and have her sit and merely react as some of Los Angeles' least talented African Americans poorly deliver some of the weakest comedy dialog uttered since 'The Jeffersons' were still on the air is nothing short of a crime!It seems that the director and writer can't differentiate between character and caricature and so throughout 'Nora's hair Salon' you are given one stereotype parading in front of you after another, reciting lines in a vacuum , like they never had a full rehearsal together. It's impossible to care for any of them because they never register as even remotely human.Though I liked what the film tried to do and its overall good nature and theme, that however doesn't excuse its slapped together sloppiness. And don't blame it on the budget. Plenty of small budget films demonstrate lots of ingenuity and talent. This one is like Amateur Night and gives small independent films a bad name.Can't recommend the film except for the scene (as one commentary already stated) when a character suffers a heart attack and utters a phrase that had me howling for the only time in the entire film. By the way, the director should have just released a film of the outtakes that show over the closing credits. These few minutes are better than anything that precedes them. Lastly, there is a very sad 'making of' featurette on the DVD where we discover that the writer responsible for this mess is one of the actors who is so terrible in the film. To see him talk about his script, blissfully unaware of its derivative triteness, is to know what it is to cringe. Rent 'Car Wash' to see how this kind of material should be handled.

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