National Lampoon's Gold Diggers
National Lampoon's Gold Diggers
PG-13 | 15 June 2003 (USA)
National Lampoon's Gold Diggers Trailers

Calvin and Leonard, two broke losers, are arrested for trying to rob rich old sisters Doris and Betty. The women have a change of heart, drop the charges and invite the the boys over to their mansion. Calvin decides he and Leonard should marry the women, and, when they soon die, live off the inheritance. The ladies, however, have run into their own financial troubles and wed the boys with plans of murdering them for insurance money.


A friend of mine had seen this film in the theater and told me it was hysterical. Not a "Lampoon" movie at all, but in a good way. It's more of a cult film, than a typical main stream "studio" comedy. I think a lot of the bad reviews come from people thinking they were going to see Van Wilder or Animal House and then comparing those films to this one. First off, this is clearly an indie movie with a very small budget. It looks great, but is still a small, contained movie. I thought the acting was really sharp all around. Louise Lasser is really brilliant in this. Whenever you see this kind of movie, it's always old men and young women, but this really turns that on its head and these women are not 40's or 50's, but really in their 70's. The film goes for it and you have to respect that (the wedding and honeymoon sequence is laugh after laugh). I'm sure some people might find the overall concept of 20 year old guys with 70 year old women disgusting and if you're looking for a Nikki Ziering romp with young girls, don't waste your time. It sorta reminded me of early Woody Allen ala Take the Money and Run or Bananas (wild, odd, insane humor). The scene after the guys mistakenly give poisoned lemonade to the gardener and he stumbles to his death in the background while they sit eating lunch talking about their respective sandwiches is bloody hysterical! When both couples enter their master bedroom from different doors all carrying shotguns and proceed to blow the bed to hell had me on the floor. Don't be fooled by the misleading marketing. This is a throw back, 60's-esque cult comedy. It's just plain funny, fresh and certainly different. Well worth the rental.

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This movie is quite good, except for the ending. It has very funny characters and very interesting actors. I enjoyed watching it and I honestly tell you that everyone that says it's not a good movie is either full of envy or just doesn't know to appreciate a quality picture. I laughed and I laughed and I gave it a 10 vote because I consider the producers have done a very good making this film. I like it because the humor is very spiked and the script has very beautiful twists. It's an excellent comedy, if you like watching good actors playing spectacular roles. The old ladies are not actually that old in reality and the other actors knew how to play their part into making a masterpiece.

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I'm a 43 year old father in a small Southern town. Just saying that so you will understand that I am not the target audience for this type of movie. I ignored it at the theater and had no plans to ever watch it. However, after enjoying National Lampoon's Dorm Daze, I figured I would give it a try at the rental store. I am glad I did.The previews and such are not entirely truthful about this movie. It appears to be 2 young guys out to scam 2 older women. While it is that, it is also 2 older women out to scam 2 young guys who are some of the dumbest criminals ever. The "old women being sexy" angle is not played up nearly as much as you would think and rather than make fun of them, they seem to be making just as much fun of stereotypes.This is not an Oscar movie or one with long lasting deep plots but it is a decent way to laugh on a rainy day. You will not split your sides laughing but the pace is good and the jokes funny rather than silly most of the time. While this is not a movie I am sorry I missed at the theater, and perhaps not one I will go out and buy, it was one that I enjoyed watching and felt well worth the rental. Just because the cover and premise seem so silly, don't just pass it by.

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Some friends and I were at Blockbuster over the weekend. None of us could agree on what film to see. We decided that no one was in the mood for anything really heavy or intellectual. Just some stupid movie to have a few laughs and possibly a few beers to. All of us had seen the really Obvious comedies or big films that you rent from the new release wall as defaults when you're in the mood to just watch some film that you don't have to think about with friends. So we saw the box for GOLDDIGGERS and thought "there are hot chicks on the cover, that kid from American PIE and BOY MEETS WORLD are in it. Its a national lampoon film. I'm sure it will provide some amusingly crude dick and fart jokes and occasional shots of tits and be on par with EURO-Trip as one of those utterly stupid films that you can just pop in and let your brain rust, chuckle occasionally, and kill an hour and a half of your night." Seriously, this film makes Eurotrip seem academy award worthy. The screenplay isn't even worth picking apart. It is failed joke after failed joke after failed joke. And then, it becomes entirely disgusting. And not Cameron Dias with Cum in her hair SOMETHING ABOUT MARY disgusting where its FUNNY. this was just disgusting. The basic premise of the film is that these 2 young screw ups try to seduce 2 elderly women. You can already guess how disgusting the sexual interactions already are.And I wasn't expecting much from this film. I was really looking for 2 things: 1. Boobs. 2. Laughs.1. The boobs were old and disgusting and by the time it got to cuter girls, I was already thuroughly disgusted 2. Few and far between and mostly at the fact that I actually shelled out 4 dollars to rent this piece of theatrical donk.So note to all: don't bother renting stupid comedies that you've never head of and are shorter than 90 minutes or star c-list actors. Generally, there's a reason you've never heard of it. Did this even get a theatrical release? I would hope not.

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