Nate and Hayes
Nate and Hayes
PG | 18 November 1983 (USA)
Nate and Hayes Trailers

Nathaniel Williamsen is taken to an island mission with his fiancee Sophie. Their ship, the Rona, is captained by the roguish Bully Hayes, who also takes a liking to Sophie. When Sophie is kidnapped by slave trader Ben Pease "Nate" teams with Hayes in order to find her.


I don't know when I first saw Nate and Hayes. I know it's been in my collection for a long time, and I never get tired of watching it.Since I'm a big fan of villains, I naturally love Max Phipps as Ben Pease. I first saw him in "Road Warrior" with Mel Gibson.Tommy Lee Jones has had a long career entertaining us, and I think this was the first firm in which I ever saw him.Another of his lesser seen films is "The Park Is Mine"."Nate and Hayes" is a great swashbuckler, and a comedy as well.Lots of good one-liners to keep you smiling.Enjoy.

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I find it odd how people think this movie is a "thrilling action-adventure". I'd have to say, it's quite bad, and it was very clearly MEANT to be quite bad.There's a ninja, a bunch of Nazis (not specifically noted as Nazis, but you can't help but know in your heart that that's what they are), a pirate ship AND a steamship, musketmen fighting dudes with revolvers, the bad guys seem completely clichéd in their ignorance ("They're plugging the eye holes! We're blind!" "It's too bad we can't just pull those hats out, eh guys?"), the scene near the end where the Germans are fighting the Pirates (who all line up nicely, by the way), and are promptly shot to bits without ever landing a single blow is incredibly sad ("Wow, lucky day for us. This team of professionally trained soldiers don't know how to shoot worth a damn. Woohoo!"), and the way that German leader dies is purely comical.And yet, I'm not trying to INSULT this film. It is a parody, and a hilarious one at that. Although, it may not have been successful in that venture (most people seem to believe it's a serious adventure film!), it still wins a place in my heart. I'd give it 8 out 10, for a good afternoon's laugh.

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I was lucky enough to go to the European premiere of this film in London ( although strangely enough i seem to remember that it ended up on a double bill with TOP SECRET in some cinemas). Made before Tommy Lee Jones became a big star it was quite obviously the inspiration for Pirates of the Caribbean. It was released in the UK under the title SAVAGE ISLANDS but in some places it was called NATE & HAYES. However, shame on Paramount for not exploiting it better. I know they had a lot riding on the not dissimilar Indiana Jones films but this is a cracking adventure and deserves better treatment (and why oh why has it not been seen on UK television for about 15 years?).Good news though. The film is finally getting a DVD release (on region 1 only) on June 20th 2006 so keep an eye out for it.

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"Nate and Hayes" brings to mind the great adventure epics and Saturday morning serials of the fifties.The plot is filled with cliffhangers and the characters are robust. Tommy Lee Jones is compelling as the swashbuckling Booty Hayes, and the elegant Jenny Seagrove is the kind of "damsel in distress" that we'd all love to rescue from the likes of dispicable Capt. Pease.Spectacular locations in New Zealand and Fiji provide a perfect backdrop for the action, which will keep any adventure lover on the edge of his or her seat.Grab a giant tub of buttered popcorn and escape to the South Seas. It's an exciting voyage!

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