Naked in New York
Naked in New York
R | 15 April 1994 (USA)
Naked in New York Trailers

Naked in New York begins in the car of grown up Jake, he is talking to us about his girlfriend, Joanne, and to whom you can turn to for help while facing life. From there it flashes back to his memories of his parents, college, house across from a squirrel infested peanut factory, best friend, writing career and Joanne.


It's a rare romantic comedy that seeks to demonstrate that love does not always conquer all. Here we have two likable young adults whose professional ambitions interfere in their ideals about romance. And guess what? The semi-happy ending sees them parting ways whilst still holding affection for each other. Whew!One has to admire this film for its refusal to adhere to genre conventions. No doubt the big name producer pulled in an excellent supporting cast. And as a bonus it contains a great subplot detailing the flakiness of the performing arts scene.Some of the quirkiness is strained, but overall the film offers a breath of fresh air.If you love movies only when they offer up genre clichés then this movie will disappoint. But if you've seen so many movies that the clichés now stick in your craw, you could do worse than this.

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Show biz. We all (film lovers) have the dream the lead actor had in the film. Even those who don't admit it watch "stories" and try and guess what's to come. Could I "save" this film? In this case the film needed no help from me. I write and even got to do a radio play once which was a 100% mess. Callers were asked to comment on my "vision" and I sat there and took it. The professor who wrote his part said "Mike we learn more from our misses than our hits." Humble pie was shared by all and one caller said I was in league with the devil. As I watched NAKED IN NEW YORK one idea came to me: "Jesus I wish I had half the talent it took to make a very sweet clever film like this. Reading other reviews I was happy to see those who didn't "get it" couldn't write a decent sentence. Highlight for me seeing the newbie get brushed off by the famous authors. I once had a three minute talk with Clint Eastwood about my "career" at a university. He was not impressed. peace mike Mason

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Spoiler alert.......The story went on and on............... Don't people understand that there is suppose to be a beginning, climax and an end. It was a complete waste of time.I waited and waited for something to happen.............nothing ever happen.Don't wait like I did..don't watch it.There was no love story, you never even got the feeling the girl really liked him.I guess the entire movie can be summarized as boy meets girl, he goes to NY and gets "walked all over", he fails at his attempt write and produce a play. Boy goes back to see girl and they part, as the girl has moved forward with her life.

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Overall I didn't think this movie was very good at all; the plot dragged on, the lead was SO irritating and it had nudity in that just ruined it entirely. At times, you just didn't know what was going on at all.The best bit in the whole thing was Ralph Macchio. In one of his best performances ever, he has completely changed from the adorable Karate Kid (with the exception that he still looks about 15). His speech at the end of the movie was just great, like the short movie clip that they show about the nominees at the Oscars. The kiss was a bit cheesy but hey, the rest of the plot had already gone to bananas.I give this movie 4 out of 10, and all of those points are for Ralph and Ralph alone.

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