Monster Brawl
Monster Brawl
R | 30 September 2011 (USA)
Monster Brawl Trailers

Eight of the world's most legendary monsters, along with their diabolical managers, compete in a wrestling tournament deathmatch to determine the most powerful champion of all time. Interviews, pre-fight breakdowns, trash talking, and monster origin segments round out this ultimate fight of the living dead.


It's a shame that I can't give it negative 10 stars, because that is what it deserves. This movie is horrible, and a wasted 90 minutes of my life. The acting wasn't even the worse part. What disappointed me more than anything was the ignored story line. It's like they decided to change it midway through. As anyone who is familiar with how a tournament works... fighters fight. Whoever wins, they come back later and fight other winners until we're left with two winners who end up fighting to determine the champion, Not in this movie. Two winners never came back. If I remember correctly, one of the commentators even said something about one of the winners fighting later. Anyway, two never came back. It's like they were just written out. It was just very unsatisfying. Boooooo!

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This is a Frankenstein Comedy. There a lot of Frankenstein Comedy. The first one was Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. That one was funny most Frankenstein comedy movies are funny. This one was not. It was to bloody to be funny. If a Frankenstein movie it not going to be funny it should at lest be scary. It is not scary. The story line is awful. The ending is awful. The acting was good as was the special effects. Good actors wasted there talent being in this awful movie. Do not wast your money. Do not wast your time. Do not see this movie. It is a very bad movie. It is total pooh pooh. Don't see this movie don't see this movie.

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I'm something of a wrestling fan. Sure, it might run into moments that I hate (as a recent Smackdown spoiler suggests), but I still watch it regardless of what happens. It's clear that writer/director Jesse T. Cook is a fan as well (what with the appearances of current and former wrestling personalities and references to things like Japanese Death Matches), but with "Monster Brawl", he takes a one note premise that could have been fun and does nothing to make it work.The plot couldn't be more simple-Buzz Chambers (Dave Foley) and Sasquatch Sid Tucker (Art Hindle) are two announcers who are pleased to give you Monster Brawl, in which eight monsters (Zombie Boy, Cyclops, The Mummy, Werewolf, Swamp Gut, Witch Bitch, Lady Vampire and Frankenstein) are all going to compete in one-on-one wrestling matches, with the voice of God (Lance Henriksen) serving as a narrator/ringside announcer. Oh, and the graveyard is cursed.As I said, pretty basic stuff. On the plus side, most of the performances are alright. Foley and Hindle seem to be having a lot of fun as the announcers, while Kevin Nash does a fine job as Zombie Boy's manager. The only performance that doesn't ring true comes is from Henriksen, who sounds bored most of the time. It's hard to blame him though, as this is a movie with a fun premise that doesn't know what to do with it. Sure, there's a few chuckles to be had, but most of the jokes fall flat on their face, especially around the final act. Speaking of which, the third act just drags on and on, not showing any sign of letting up, but never managing to do anything that's fun.Which leads me to my biggest complaint: the "matches" themselves are boring. Sure, it must be hard to wrestle with all that make-up or in a rubber suit, but there's little here that actually resembles a wrestling match. The fact that the film seems to be as influenced by old fighting games like "Killer Instinct" and "Mortal Kombat" as it is by wrestling hurts it too. Each match ends the same-you gotta kill your opponent in some gruesome fashion. By the third or fourth maiming that occurs however, it just gets repetitive. Apart from title belts, nothing feels like it's at stake here, making it all feel more like a pointless exercise than it does a wrestling and horror geeks dream come true.As a whole, even the most hardcore mark (look it up) will probably find themselves bored by "Monster Brawl." It's a premise that doesn't do anything with the joke at hand, and feels more like a boring fantasy from a fan boy than it does a movie you'd actually want to sit through.

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Looked pretty interesting at the time of the beginning, and could actually seem quite entertaining BUT TBH KINDA ANNOYINGGreat costume art (All credit)Some actors made you cringeThe Hosts were dreadful, and just mita felt better if there was some one like Mike tyson and ben stiller as the judges, witnessing this dreadful prolong b movie, i can honestly say i pity the fool who made this film, and the result of the options that should of been, is i a better (primera película) As for the best character in this Flick, Frankenstein was indeed the best,and live long and prosperous Franky Boy.......RENT (dont bother) . but indeed Don't BUY ! cheeky chops

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