R | 03 July 1991 (USA)
Marquis Trailers

On the eve of revolution, French activist and author Marquis and his talking penis, Colin, await judgment in the Bastille for allegedly plotting against the state. While Marquis dedicates himself to his art and Colin longs for action, the provocative pair unwittingly rouse the interest of competing ideological factions.


There's plenty of films about the Marquis de Sade (their purpose and effectiveness being rather varied); but this one stands out from them all due to it's style and execution...both of which are extremely weird to say the least. The film grabs you right from the start with the bizarre character costumes; but unfortunately doesn't manage to keep the interest throughout, despite a number of very good and amusing ideas. I really do admire what director Henri Xhonneux was trying to do; but unfortunately, the otherworldly style of the film and general artiness leaves it feeling cold and distant long before the end. The film focuses on the Marquis de Sade during his imprisonment in the Bastille. His only desire is to write erotic novels; but there's debauchery going on all around him. A corrupt priest arranges for a woman who was impregnated by the king to be raped by the Marquis de Sade so as to excuse the king, while also stealing the Marquis' literary works to sell for his own profit.The costumes used in the film are interesting to say the least and are all a cross between humans and some sort of animal. This gives the film a style all of its own, which is very much to its credit. This does, however, leave the story and characters as co-stars; as while the audience is likely to be fascinated by the costumes, the plot is not nearly as interesting; which is unfortunate. I've also got to say that the style didn't really work for me - it's interesting, but inherently ugly; me being a viewer who enjoys visually pleasing aesthetics. The most interesting and original idea in the film has to be the one that sees the lead character talking to his penis; which happens to have it's own face and personality. It works rather well and helps to increase the overall strangeness of the film. There's no shortage of debauchery in the film; although its impact is quelled somewhat by the style, which at times verges on being childish. Overall, this film will certainly be of interest to those that enjoy original films. I'm glad I saw it but wouldn't call it a favourite!

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F Gwynplaine MacIntyre

THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT WHICH MAY BE DISTRESSING TO SOME READERS.'Marquis' is the only film I've ever seen by the oddly-named Henri Xhonneux, but it's so imaginative and entertaining that I'm eager to see more of his work. 'Marquis' alleges to be based on incidents in the life and novels of the Marquis de Sade. If you're seeking a "Cliff Notes" crib-sheet about de Sade or his works, look elsewhere. On its own merits, though, this film is highly enjoyable for those with a taste for the bizarre.Some of the activities of the real-life Marquis de Sade were downright contemptible, but I intensely admire the tremendous efforts he took to write down his prose in prison (where he was forbidden to possess paper or writing implements) and to smuggle his text out of prison for publication. I was intrigued to learn that the Marquis was a prisoner in the Bastille until only a few days before it was captured by the revolutionaries in 1789; it now appears that de Sade actively fomented the riot of Bastille Day, shouting to the people outside that there were weapons and allies within the prison.IMDb lists 'Marquis' as an animated film, but that's only partly accurate. The animation occurs chiefly in the sequences in which the Marquis de Sade has long heart-to-heart talks with his own penis! The penis has a small human face (upturned, oddly) and a voice and personality of its own.All the characters in this film are anthropomorphised animals, walking upright and played by human dancers in elaborate costumes and masks. (I thought these were even more impressive than the ones used in the Beatrix Potter ballet film.) Thus, for example, de Sade's Justine is a white mare, dressed in a dominatrix costume which displays her very shapely human figure! Juliette is a cow, only slightly less pulchritudinous than Justine. The characters' dialogue is post-dubbed by voice artists, and the credits generously list both the performers who embody the characters and the voice artists on the soundtrack.The filmmakers cleverly match the personalities of the various characters to appropriate animal species. Still, I was pulled up short by one scene in a coffee-house. More than a dozen species of land-based animals are interacting, and then into the room walks a fish! Somehow, it felt wrong to see an aquatic species among the land beasties. Thankfully, all of the voice artists speak normally, rather than trying to moo or whinny their dialogue.The Marquis spends most of the film in prison, where he is harangued by his warder: a rat who is obsessed with being buggered by the Marquis. (He is apparently unaware that the Marquis's penis has its own thoughts on this matter.) I found the rat character implausible: as a warder, unlike his inmates he can go home at night and find sexual release outside the prison.There's lots of hearty comedy here, not all of it sexual ... but the sexual content is deeply aberrant throughout the film, so 'Marquis' is not for all audiences. The animal costumes are so intensely detailed that there's an atmosphere of bestiality throughout this sexually-charged comedy. I'll rate 'Marquis' 9 out of 10.

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i was impressed by the variety of animation techniques in this film. Marquis played at the 'art' movie house in salt lake, which was across the street from where i worked. this was the kind of theater that only played movies for 2 or 3 days, and their schedule only described it as 'animated'.long story short, i invited a girl to see this as our first date. while i was amazed by the animation and found some of the dialog/situations to be humorous, i felt quite awkward under the circumstances. luckily, she wasn't too offended, and even found the Marquis' talking, um, body part rather cute.i have tried to find this movie several times over the years, if only to see if it was really as crazy as i recall.

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Whatever one thinks of the recent rise of Sade as a darling of the intelligentsia and pseudo-intelligentsia, it must be admitted that some not-bad films have been made about him. This film, unfortunately, is evidence more of the trendiness than the historical interest, as its whimsical and overly-bizarre production attests. Only if there is a future sub-genre in which giant rats are sodomized by lobster tails is it likely to remain more than a curiosity. Yes, I know it had a talking penis in it. Tee hee. I still found it empty.

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