Left for Dead
Left for Dead
R | 06 November 2007 (USA)
Left for Dead Trailers

Five frat boys are stalked by a machete wielding maniac, after they are involved in a horrifying Devil's Night accident.


Well the story was nothing new. A bunch of college kids partying, drinking and obviously partying. But lets be honest at this point sometimes we all love these kind of "trashy" movies. The acting was not terribly bad I have seen much worse but it also wasn't the best due to cringy acted scenes. What kinda disapointes me was that they copied an entire death scene from friday the 13th part 2. It was the scene when clark and this chick were laying in bed having sex and the murderer came from behind and impaled them and the bed. The end was absolutely boring and unrealistic. Especially when Tommy explained the officer that he and his friends killed a guy last year she just shrugged it of and said he's in a coma and will never wake up again and the next minute he jumps out of his hospital bed...

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I came across this film at random on a late night. It's a good film, made like an 80's slasher. Masked killer hunting down frat boys with a knife due to a secret they share in the past. Not groundbreaking, but still a decent concept. Nice story and talented young actors, especially solid performance from Steve Byers and Shawn Roberts. The older actors seem to not care as mush about the film though, poor performance. Which was too bad, even if you disregard the bad acting it ruins the experience. It's a cute nod to all the old horror films, complete with blood, gore and basic nudity. As a fan of old horror, it was worth watching.

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I remember reading a brief article in Fangoria back in '07 when this was being made. It sounded pretty decent, albeit, treading familiar territory, but since it has Danielle Harris in it, I didn't think it would be too bad. I was so wrong. I just finished watching this. It's not only bad, but terribly boring.Here is the plot. Five frat brother's accidentally cause the death of a young man who stole the wallet of one the brother's during their annual "Devil's Night." One year later (shades of IKWYDLS anyone?) during their Halloween party, the frat brother's and their girlfriends begin to die, one by one, at the hands of a masked killer brandishing a machete.Yes, this sounds like every other revenge slasher before and after IKWYDLS, but I still thought it had potential. The acting was sub-par, at best, the violence and gore disappointingly minimal, and the killer from far threatening. The Halloween mask looks like it costs $10 at Wal-Mart. None of the characters (with the exception of Danielle Harris' character, Nancy and her boyfriend Tommy) were worth rooting for. Hell, even Tommy's character really wasn't worth rooting for. All he did was whine and whine about what had happened last year. Not much more. The only real positive thing in this movie was the body count. It was actually pretty decent.I cannot for the life of me understand why the wonderful Danielle Harris saw in this project. She was woefully underused, and her role was nothing but to be the weak-willed victim that graced many 80s slashers.For something that had so much PR hype going on for it, it sure delivered poorly. In my opinion, only watch it for Danielle Harris. Other that that, it isn't worth the 78 minutes of your life that you will waste on it.

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This may not be the worst movie of all time, but it at least deserves to be in the top 10. Horrid acting, over-dramatized scenarios, unbelievable scenes and situations, and the best looking nude may have been a 6. I'm being generous. Normally I would have given this film a 2 or 3 (depending on how drunk I am) rating, but I feel I must give it a 1 to offset the truly poor judge of taste that so many have languished on this film that does little more than lay there and pine for our attentions, using 3rd rate acting and 3rd rate nudity. I could almost swear that one chick had a cesarean scar. I was lured to this crap fest by the IMDb rating. I can only assume that every student at the college that filmed this must have logged in and up'd the ratings. Save your time and don't bother with this one. The worst part of the whole movie is they opened it up for a sequel.

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