Ki & Ka
Ki & Ka
| 01 April 2016 (USA)
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An unconventional woman, gains immense success in her professional life but things take a turn when she meets a guy, who wants to be a house husband.

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Getting acquainted with Indian films has opened up a whole new cinematic world for me. One of the things I like most about them is how they address serious social issues in a lighthearted way. This story of a young couple attempting a groundbreaking gender-role reversal is no exception. It is courageous and questioning without being heavy-handed. It also has everything you would want in a rom-com: an attractive, appealing couple; a variety of lovely sets and locations; parents who complicate matters, intentionally or otherwise; amusing subplots. The plot is refreshingly clever and unpredictable. There is even a cameo from a major Indian celebrity, playing himself! Ladies, you will love this movie. Gentlemen, if you are brave and open-minded enough to watch it with your significant other, you may love it too. Delightful and thought-provoking.

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Frankly if you reverse the role of Kareena and Arjun the film would be termed misogynist.... So y isn't this termed misandry? We are all for working women and blah blah..but blatant derision of Arjun Kapoor and his meek responses just reinforces the negative stereotypes about home makers ( be of either gender) that they are supposed to be doormats..that they are there to be abused and then be apologised at.. And to top this cherry tries to brainwash that women are not our equals but our superiors.. How do they do that? Just see If a man is a breadwinner and woman is the home maker then its more pati parmeshwar ideology...which is fine.. But if a woman is the bread winner and a man is a househusband then the woman is braver than the man because being the (earning) wife of a house husband is more brave than being the earning husband of a house if the man is earning and woman is handling a house then she is doing a tougher job..but if a woman is earning and man a house husband..its still a woman who is doing a tougher job??

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This is awesome movie. I hope this will change a lot of peoples mind. This movie shows the reality of every working woman. And also the reality of every house wife.This movie shows how a real should be act. I just loved the concept. Each character is awesome. Arjun Kapoor & Kareena Kapoor ware too perfect in their roles. The world is changed. And now is time for breaking old rules. There is nothing wrong if a man does an woman's job and a women goes for mans job. Most of girls need to choose one option between "Home" and "Career" because of some old so called social rules. This movie shows, it is very important to brake those rules. And go for a new era.

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Movie Review: Ki & Ka Genre: Comedy/RomanceNow a days, Bollywood is dealing with different type of Stories and topics. Some leaves to expectation, Some just waste of time. These weeks release 'Ki & Ka' will definitely serves you different. Will 'Ki & Ka' creates success or just fails on box office. Let's analyze.R. Balki is well known for making movies on different subjects. His earlier films Cheeni Kum, Paa and Shamitabh, also deals with different type of subjects.Kareena as Ki & Kappor as Ka have handled there roles superbly. Both have done excellent job. Overall, Ki & Ka definitely serves you different type of romantic drama which you have never seen before. Go for it.

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