It's Nothing Mama, Just a Game
It's Nothing Mama, Just a Game
| 29 May 1974 (USA)
It's Nothing Mama, Just a Game Trailers

A young Hacienda-owner abuses women due to his traumatic youth while his mother covers for his sadistic actions.

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Descriptions of It's Nothing Mama, It's Just a Game (or Beyond Erotica) often mention the woman hunting aspect. While this is the most memorable section, the film is better described as a family Gothic. On a struggling plantation in Venezuela, a family runs a business butchering rabbits. The oddball son, Juan (a miscast David Hemmings), has taken it into his head to take a female worker, dress her in rabbit ears, and hunt her. This may have something to do with, as a boy, having seen his father have sex with the help or it may be because the son saw his father die in front of him. Whatever the reason, the son is a loony. His mother (Alida Valli), the matriarch of the plantation, indulges him and the film implies possible incestuous longings. The third member of the family is the dead father's brother (Francisco Rabal), an obnoxious sort but rich and much needed for the continuation of the plantation. As the film begins, Juan is hunting one of the female workers (she is in a bunny costume of course). When the victim is caught in a trap, Juan's dogs maul her as Juan watches remembering his father's death. The family concocts a story to cover the "accident," and Juan turns his eye on his next potential victim, Lola (played by the lovely Andrea Rau). However, Lola proves a more formidable adversary. Viewers expecting a sleazy horror film like Seven Women for Satan will be disappointed. As a thriller, It's Nothing Mama is mostly build up. True, the film does deliver on nudity (Miss Rau), some violence (mostly at the beginning and end), and plenty of anti-social behavior (Juan has to break down Lola's will). Nonetheless, the film's pacing could be described as leisurely. Also, clearly some of the film is supposed to be humorous in an off-kilter way, but the humor does not quite come off. The ironic ending could have been better handled as well. It's Nothing Mama, It's Just a Game can probably be skipped by most. It is far from essential viewing. However, fans of Andrea Rau might want to give it a try.

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This surprising and erotic 70s movie filled with sexual manipulation, perversion , humiliation , female nudity , and sleaze events ; being set in Latin America . It deals with a young proprietary of a sugarcane plantation , nearly-bankrupt , he is called Juan (David Hemmings) and has a trauma from childhood , as he is misbehaving on girls . Meanwhile his sick mummy named Louise (Alida Valli) covers him for his violent actions . Hacienda-owner Juan who bears a traumatic boyhood is infatuated and falls in love for the daughter of the Hacienda supervisor called Lola (Andrea Rau) and he attempts to seduce her , besieged emotionally and sexually to make her lover . Obsessed for her , Juan then decides to gradually torture her . Sociopath Juan locks her in a pit , starves her , only gives her worm food and subsequently forces to strip . However, when he wants to serve for him , things seem to get totally out of hand . He 'tames' her, but when she is 'tamed' , it gives rise to a complex situation . Rare tale plenty of nudism , haunting mood-pieces , sadomasochism , tortures , enticing images and attractive ending . This weird flick contains symbolism , drama , sadism , deprivation , copious naked scenes , a twisted love story and an almost diabolic spell . This psycho thriller revolves around several themes as physical possession , domination , humiliating games and sexuality . This slow-moving but passable picture is well set in Venezuela of the 60s or 70s , where takes place the complex relationship among some characters and including a surprising finale . Cast is frankly well . About 30-year old David Hemmings gives an acceptable acting as a quirky as well as sadistic young who mistreats girls due to his traumatic youth , Andrea Rau is wonderful as the young woman being tortured and who soon becomes the dominating person in the family . The film relies heavily on the relationship between them , though it doesn't boring . Suport actors are pretty good , such as Alida Valli , Nuria Gimeno and the great Francisco Rabal as rapist uncle . Atmospheric cinematography by Alejandro Ulloa (Horror Express) . Being impressively filmed on location in Venezuela , though an alright remastering is necessary . Anti-climatic musical score by Adolfo Waitzman , including a little agreeable leitmotif . The motion picture was professionally directed by prolific filmmaker Jose Maria Forque . José María Forqué was born in Zaragoza , being father of actress Verónica Forqué and director Álvaro Forqué . He was a director and writer, known for filming some classic Spanish films , such as Accidente 703 (1962), Amanecer en Puerta Oscura (1957) , Un Millon En La Basura and especially Atraco a Las Tres . And shot successful TV series : Miguel Servet and Ramon Y Cajal . He also filmed some international co-productions such as Tarot with Gloria Grahame , Mujer De Tierra Caliente with Stuart Whitman , Laura Gemser and El Ojo Del Huracan or In the eye of hurricane with Tony Kendall , Jean Sorel .

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The other review here pretty much expresses most my feelings. I'd like to add that the film serves as a wonderful showcase for Andrea Rau. Rau was a model turned softcore actress in Germany who got a big break in DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS. This film, which I saw on VHS as BEYOND EROTICA, was made a few years later and even the lousy full screen cropped video quality cannot dim the love the camera has for this woman. She's very good here and the other lead actors are fun to watch. Hemmings and Valli are slumming here but seem fully committed to their roles ( a sick mother - son cliché relationship ). The details of Hemming's character's obsessions are nicely drawn though, even if their motivation lacks imagination. There is a lot for exploitation fans to enjoy here, not much violence but plenty of human hunting, sickness and depravity to spare, copious nudity and yes, bunny outfits. Director Forque also made the worth a look giallo's IN THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE and TAROT. The film is poorly served by the current VHS versions. This film really should be out on DVD, hopefully soon.

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This is vaguely arty film which criticizes the decadence of landed nobility in Latin America and explores the perverse dialectic between power and sexuality. And of course, it's also a convenient excuse to show beautiful (and frequently naked) European actresses being abused and sexually degraded. David Hemmings is the spoiled and sexually-warped heir of a decrepit and nearly-bankrupt Venezuelan hacienda. His doting mother (Alida Valli) hires peasant girls from the nearby village to indulge her son in his perverse "games". His latest victim is played by Andrea Rau (who was Delphine Seyrig's vampiric lesbian sidekick in "Daughters of Darkness"). He locks her in a pen and starves her until she gives in to his sexual demands. He then plays various humiliating games with her--forcing her strip and dousing her with a hose, feeding her a maggot-filled loaf of bread, making her dress up like a bunny and run through the woods while he "hunts" her on horseback. Of course, he gets his comeuppance in the end but not before the requisite amount of nudity, sex, and misogynistic degradation has been achieved. I certainly wouldn't recommend this film to feminists (or to the vast majority of women for that matter), but it is fairly tasteful and restrained compared to many other films of its ilk. If you're into this sort of stuff but can't handle the rougher WIP, nunsploitation, or Nazi death camp movies, this one might be for you.

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